Want To Get Rid Of Stage Fright? Try These Homeopathic Remedies

Stage fright refers to anxiety or fear that a person feels when he/she has to give a presentation or speak in front of an audience or a group of people. Stage fright is very common and the intensity may vary from mild to severe. It may be more intense when the performance has to be given in front of strangers. It may happen in various situations. Some examples include giving interviews for jobs, giving a speech, attending an office meeting, giving a presentation in class, dance performance, and singing on stage in front of an audience. It may also occur in athletes. Some of the symptoms of stage fright are trembling, shaking of voice, sweating, redness of the face, rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. Stage fright is considered to be a type of social anxiety disorder. There is a constant fear of being watched, judged and rejected by people. It is also thought to be just a fight-or-flight response. It indicates our body’s reaction to stress or recognition of some situation of danger where the body senses some harm that is going to occur in body. There is release of adrenaline in the body on recognition of a stressful event. This leads to an increased rate of contraction of muscle fibers that can result in trembling, increased sweating and dryness of the mouth. Other changes include high blood pressure, increased heart rate, nausea, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Besides the above factors, low self-esteem and poor self–confidence also contribute to stage fright.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic system of medicine offers a very natural and effective management for dealing with cases of stage fright. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in managing these cases wonderfully. These medicines help keep the mind calm and reduce the effects of anxiety very effectively. It is a gradual process of treatment and results do not happen overnight with these medicines and it takes some time for good results to appear. The homeopathic medicines are free from any kind of toxic side effects. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed based on the characteristic individual symptoms in every case following in-depth case analysis. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician for case evaluation to get the most suitable medicine. One should avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stage Fright

1. Argentum Nitricum – Top Recommended Medicine

Though there are numerous medicines in homeopathy for helping cases of stage fright, among these Argentum Nitricum tops the list. This medicine is highly beneficial for managing stage fright along with marked anticipation. Anticipation means constant revolving of thoughts in the mind regarding some event that is going to happen in the future. For example, if someone has to deliver a speech on stage, then the anxiety occurs not only on the stage but begins beforehand. It starts right from the day when the person comes to know that he has to give a speech in front of a group of people. Various thoughts may cross his mind in anticipation, for example: Will my speech go on smoothly? Will I be able to speak without stuttering? What if I forget and get numb while delivering the speech? I think I will panic and fail. Will others notice my anxiety? And so on. In this anxiety and fear, the person may suffer from vertigo and gastric symptoms usually diarrhea (frequent, loose stool). Those needing it are nervous, impulsive and do things hurriedly.

2. Gelsemium – For Stage Fright With Fear Of Appearing In Public

Gelsemium is also a very effective medicine for managing cases of stage fright. Those needing it have an intense fear of appearing in public. There is marked fear of failure. There is fear of some upcoming event where they have to appear in a stage performance, like a speech. There is lack of courage to perform on the stage due to marked fear and anxiety. In general, other complaints that one may face are dullness of mind, drowsiness, and weakness. Concentration issues can be present as well along with the above-mentioned indications.

3. Lycopodium – For Fear Occurring On Starting Stage Presentation But Afterwards It Goes Well

Lycopodium is another useful medicine for cases of stage fright. To use this medicine, the leading characteristic feature to take note of is anxiety in the beginning of the performance (like a speech, dance performance, etc.) on the stage but soon after confidence develops and the act goes brilliantly till the end. The persons needing it have marked fear of public speaking. There is aversion to do new things and the sufferer is not ready to undertake any act for stage performance. There is poor self-esteem and low confidence initially.

4. Silicea – For Stage Fright With A Fear Of Failure

Silicea is of great help in cases of stage fright where a person always has a fear of failure. Those needing this medicine are sure that they will fail in any stage performance act. They lack self-confidence and are very shy to speak in front of a group of people and on stage. They are very nervous and avoid taking any responsibility of public speaking due to fear of failure.

5. Aconite – For Stage Fright With Marked Anxiety And Panic Attacks

This medicine is recommended for cases of anxiety and panic attacks with fear of speaking in front of a group of people. Those needing it suffer from excessive shaking or trembling during a bout of anxiety. Numbness and tingling sensation is felt in the arms and fingers. Heart palpitations are felt too. Sometimes, the sufferer may faint.

6. Arsenic Album – For Anxiety With Marked Restlessness

Arsenic Album is the next best medicine for managing stage fright with marked anxiety and restlessness. Those needing it are highly nervous and become anxious with very small issues. They exhibit facial flushing due to anxiety. Nausea may occur too. There is difficulty in breathing and chest constriction may attend as well. There is also excessive fear along with trembling and cold sweating. Weakness is also present.

7. Medorrhinum – For Stage Fright, Anxiety With Anticipation

Another homeopathic medicine recommended for managing stage fright is Medorrhinum. This medicine is indicated for anxiety in anticipation like in medicine Argentum Nitricum. There is marked fright and panic attack where this medicine is required. Those needing this medicine are nervous and sensitive. They do things hurriedly and get irritated easily. Additionally, they may suffer weakness of memory, forgetfulness and poor concentration.

8. Ambra Grisea – For Shy People Having Fear Of People

This medicine is well suited to those who are very shy in nature and blush easily. They are not able to do any activity in front of others. They have a marked fear of people and wish to be alone most of the times. They feel embarrassed in the company of other people. Additionally, they are forgetful and have weak memory. They get irritated easily and are very impatient.



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