What Are Genital Ulcers And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Genital ulcers refer to open sores developing on the genitals. The ulcers may appear on the vulva, penis, anus and perianal area. These may or may not be attended with some symptoms. When attending symptoms occur, they include itching, burning, pain, oozing of fluid from ulcers, vaginal discharge, pain while urinating, painful intercourse, and fever. Lymph nodes in the groin area may be enlarged. There are several causes behind genital ulcers. They are mainly caused by STIs i.e. sexually transmitted infections. First among these is syphilis (a STI caused by bacteria treponema pallidum). Second STI is genital herpes causes by HSV – herpes simplex virus. Another STI is chancroid which is a STI caused by bacteria Hemophilus ducreyi. Another one is Lymphogranuloma Venereum caused by gram negative bacteria named chlamydia trachomatis. Some infections that are not sexually acquired have also been reported to be associated with genital ulcers. For example Epstein – Barr virus, Group A streptococcus and cytomegalovirus.

Rarely fungal infection can cause genital ulcers. Besides infections, the genitals ulcers can also occur from non-infectious reasons. First among them is an injury. It may also result from irritation or some reaction from use of a body care product. They also appear in inflammatory diseases like Lichen Planuthe s, Behcet’s disease, lupus and psoriasis. Lichen planus is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin, mouth, nails and genitals. Purple-colored bumps appear on the skin and painful sores may occur on genitals. Behcet’s disease is a disorder that results in inflammation of blood vessels all over the body. In this disease, sores appear in the mouth, along with skin rash, inflamed eyes and sores in the genitals. Lupus is an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells damage the body’s healthy tissue by mistake. This disease tends to cause inflammation in different body parts. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder causing red inflamed patches on skin covered with silvery white scales. Cancer of vulva or penis may also cause genital ulcers.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries great scope to manage cases of genital ulcers in a very safe and natural manner. Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in healing ulcers. These medicines along with healing ulcers also help to manage attending symptoms like pain, itching, burning and discharge, if present. The homeopathic medicines are of natural origin so are very safe to use without any side effects. These medicines are selected individually for every case based on the symptoms. So, it is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines and avoid self-medication. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of genital ulcers having mild to moderate intensity. When the ulcers are of severe intensity or there is any serious cause behind ulcers, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy may not be able to help in such cases due to its limitations.

Common Homeopathic Medicines For Managing Genital Ulcers In Males And Females

1. Merc Sol

Merc Sol is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of genital ulcers in males and females.

In males

This medicine is well-indicated when small vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) appear on the glans penis and prepuce that break and form ulcers. Yellowish white discharge oozes from these ulcers. The discharge has a very strong smell. The ulcers are painful and have a tendency to bleed on being touched. Pain may also occur in the groin while walking. Burning sensation can be felt in the penis. Merc Sol is a prominent medicine for managing cases of genital ulcer (chancre) in cases of syphilis.

In females

This medicine is recommended for whitish ulcers on the vulva. Burning sensation is felt which gets worse when the ulcer comes in contact with urine. Throbbing sensation is also felt. It gets better from lying still. There is itching on the vulva. There may be yellowish vaginal discharge. The discharge gets worse at night. It is attended with itching and on scratching, there is a burning sensation. Swelling on the labia may be present.

2. Nitric Acid

In males

This medicine is suggested for flat ulcers with raised zigzag margins. The ulcers may ooze out thin discharge which flows profusely. It can be mixed with blood as well. The ulcers can be multiple at a given time. They are painful to touch. This medicine is also indicated where there are ulcers with flat edges with pus oozing out from them. Along with this, the inner surface of the prepuce is inflamed which becomes painful in the evening.

In females

This medicine is suitable for ulcers on the labia minora. Itching and burning are felt in the vulva. There may be swelling of vulva as well along with green or brownish vaginal discharge. It can be in the form of ropy mucus. The discharge has an offensive smell.

3. Thuja

In males

It is a well-suited medicine for managing ulcers in males along with itching. It is also useful for round elevated ulcers with red margins. These ulcers are painful and moist.

In females

It is an effective medicine for treating white ulcers on the inner surface of labia majora. The vulva is sore to touch. The pain gets worse while sitting. There may be vaginal discharge that leaves yellowish-green stains.

Some Other Medicines For Genital Ulcers In Males

1. Arsenic Album

This medicine is helpful for treating ulcers with hard margins. Thin foul smelling discharge oozes out from it. Bleeding may occur from touching. Excessive burning is also felt in the ulcers.

2. Cinnabaris

Cinnabaris is a useful medicine for treating ulcers on the genitals in cases of syphilis. In cases needing it, red, swollen ulcers form on male genitals. The edges of the ulcer are hard and elevated. There is discharge of thin pus. This medicine is also indicated for hard ulcers formed on the middle of the penis.

3. Staphysagria

It is a very beneficial medicine for managing ulcer on the penis attended with bleeding. The ulcer can be large in size. Stitching pain can be present. There may be burning sensation.

Some Other Medicines For Genital Ulcers In Females

1. Sepia

Sepia is indicated for managing ulcers on labia. There is redness and swelling of inner labia where this medicine is required. Itching is felt in the vulva. There may be vaginal discharge which is yellowish or greenish. The discharge has a fetid smell. The discharge is more after passing urine. It is attended with itching and burning pain in the vagina. There is a frequent urge to urinate. There is pain during intercourse along with above indications.

2. Kreosote

It is another important medicine to manage ulcers on the vulva. In cases needing it, there is marked itching in vulva. After scratching, pain and burning is felt in vulva. The labia may be swollen. Vaginal discharge may be white, yellow or brown colored. It gets worse while standing and walking. There is relief while sitting.

3. Merc Cor

This medicine is recommended to manage ulcers along with pus discharge. The vulva is quite inflamed. There is heat and pain in the genitals. There may be pale, yellow vaginal discharge. The discharge is thin. It can be blood-stained sometimes.



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