What Causes Arm Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Arm pain refers to pain in the arm anywhere starting from the shoulder joint to fingers. The arm has three parts. The area between the shoulder and elbow is the upper arm. The area between elbow to wrist is the forearm. The third part is the hand and fingers. The pain can happen due to different reasons. The pain may be linked with problem in the bones, muscles, nerves, tendons or ligaments of the arms. The first cause can be joint problem like rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disorder affecting joints resulting in pain, swelling and stiffness in joints) or osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease resulting from wearing down of joint cartilage). Other causes may include rotator cuff injury, shoulder impingement syndrome, or brachial plexus injury.

Rotator cuff injury is a shoulder condition resulting from injury to the rotator cuff (i.e. a group of muscles and tendons surrounding the shoulder joint) resulting from overuse, injury or wear and tear occurring with time. Shoulder impingement syndrome is a common reason behind shoulder pain that occurs from rubbing of rotator cuff against the top of shoulders resulting in irritation of muscles and tendons. Brachial plexus injury indicates injury/inflammation of a meshwork of nerves originating from the neck region that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand. Another reason can be tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Tennis elbow refers to lateral epicondylitis resulting from the overuse of tendons and muscles of the elbow on the outer side. Golfer’s elbow indicates medial epicondylitis arising from the overuse of tendons and muscles of elbow causing pain on the inner side of the elbow. Other causes for arm pain include cervical disc herniation, carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), and ulnar nerve entrapment. Cervical disc herniation refers to pushing out of gel-like center of spinal disc through the tough area of the disc present in the neck region resulting in neck or arm pain and numbness or tingling sensation. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a condition affecting the hands resulting from a compressed or irritated median nerve. Ulnar nerve entrapment is a result of  the compression of the ulnar nerve in the arm. It may be caused by other reasons like tendinitis (inflammation of tendons that connect muscles to bones), sprains (overstretching or tearing of ligaments that connect one bone to another bone), De Quervain tenosynovitis (a condition affecting tendons on the thumb side of the wrist) and fracture. Besides these, arm pain may indicate serious causes like heart attack that needs urgent medical help. Depending on the cause behind arm pain, some other symptoms may attend it. These include stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling, reduced range of movement and weakness in the arm. In some cases, chest pain and breathing difficulty may attend arm pain, such cases may indicate serious issues like heart attack that needs immediate medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing cases of arm pain. Homeopathic medicines give great relief in these cases by treating the root cause behind it and overcome this complaint naturally with zero side effects. Once the root cause is treated, relief sets in. Along with pain, any attending symptoms like stiffness, numbness, tingling, swelling can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So, it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the correct prescription which varies in every individual case. In no case, self-medication should be done. In case of any breathing difficulty or chest pain along with arm pain mainly on the left side, it is recommended to take immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment as this may be indicative of a heart problem and homeopathy cannot help in such serious matters.

Homeopathic Medicines For Arm Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is a prominently indicated medicine for managing pain in the arm. Rhus Tox is highly effective in relieving pain occurring from muscle involvement, inflamed tendons, inflamed joints and sprains. In cases needing this medicine, the arm pain gets worse while lying down still. The pain may start from the shoulders and radiate downward. Usually the pain is drawing or stitching type. Pressure is felt on the shoulders. Tearing type of pain is felt in the shoulders which gets bad at rest and better from moving about. It is also indicated for pain in the elbow. Pain in the elbow is drawing or tearing type and extends to the wrist which gets worse at rest. The forearm feels stiff. It is also indicated for pain, swelling and stiffness in the wrist.

2. Bryonia – For Pain In Shoulder, Upper Arm, Elbow

Bryonia is suitable for managing pain in the shoulder, upper arm and elbow. It is indicated for tearing, stitching pain in the shoulder and upper arm. It is attended with tightness and swelling in these parts. It is useful for stitching type of pain in the elbow joint mostly on the right side. Swelling of the elbow joint accompanies it. Swelling may extend to the upper arm and forearm. Tearing pain can also be felt on the inner side of the forearm.

3. Sanguinaria can – For Pain In Right Shoulder And Right Arm

It is a very effective medicine for managing pain in shoulder and right arm. In cases requiring it, the pain gets worse from raising the arm. It also increases at night and while turning in bed. There is a sensation of coldness in the right arm. Swelling from shoulder to elbow may also be present on the right arm.

4. Ferrum met – For Pain In Left Shoulder And Left Arm

Ferrum Met can be considered in cases of pain in the left shoulder and arm. Pain in the arm worsens from the slightest movement of fingers. There is difficulty in raising the arm. The pain increases at night. It disturbs sleep. The nature of pain is mostly tearing or stinging type. The arm may feel heavy along with the above complaints. There may be swelling and stiffness in the arm.

5. Ruta – For Elbow Pain

Ruta is a very beneficial medicine for managing pain in the elbow especially due to inflamed tendons. It is highly suited for tennis elbow cases. In cases needing it, there is over straining of tendons resulting in inflammation. There is pain and stiffness in the elbow which is also sore to touch.

6. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Arm Pain With Soreness To Touch

This medicine is highly recommended for managing pain in the arm along with soreness. The arms feel as if beaten. Pain is most marked above and below the elbow. Both the wrists are also sore and painful. Wrists feel as if broken and dislocated.

7. Belladonna – For Arm Pain With Weakness

Belladonna is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of pain in arm along with weakness. The pain can be drawing or tearing type. Pain can also be felt in the humerus bone in the upper arm. The arm may feel heavy. Pain in the left elbow joint may also be prominent. The type of elbow pain can be cutting or sharp shooting type.

8. Pulsatilla – For Pain And Numbness In Arm

This medicine is of great help in cases of pain and numbness in the arm. Persons needing it have drawing or tearing pain anywhere from shoulder to wrist. This is attended with numbness in arms while in use or in raised position. Heaviness is also felt in the arm. There is a feeling as if the arm is broken and pain gets worse on movement. They may have pain in the bend of elbows due to involvement of tendons. Besides, it is helpful to relieve pain in the wrist along with redness and swelling which gets worse in the afternoon.



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