What Causes Throat Pain And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Throat pain sometimes becomes a nagging problem for some. It could arise from several causes. Firstly, infections can lead to throat pain. The infections that result in throat pain usually are viral (like flu and cold virus) but may also be bacterial (like strep throat). Strep throat refers to throat infection resulting from bacteria named streptococcus pyogenes bacteria. These cases require urgent medical help as it has a risk of certain complications (like inflamed kidneys or joints, pus behind tonsils, damage to heart valve) if not treated soon. It can next arise in cases of allergies. Another cause can be sinus infections. Acid reflux (GERD) may also cause throat pain. Acid reflux refers to rethe flux of stomach acid back in the throat due to malfunctioning of lower esophageal sphincter. The stomach acid can irritate and inflame the throat resulting in pain. Smoking, air pollution, throat dryness, PND (post nasal discharge i.e. dripping of mucus from the back of nose into the throat), inflamed larynx, muscle strain of the throat as from loud talking, injury to the throat, surgeries on throat or diagnostic procedures like endoscopy. Rarely tumours or cancer of the throat can result in throat pain.

It can be attended with other signs and symptoms varying from case to case. These include redness, swelling in the throat and tonsils, itching, irritation or scratching in the throat, burning in throat, dryness in the throat, pain in the throat while swallowing, white spots or pus points on the tonsils, voice hoarseness. Besides, cold, runny nose, sneezing, cough, fever, headache, body aches and weakness may be experienced depending on the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can help wonderfully in managing throat pain. Homeopathic medicines boost the natural healing mechanism of the body to overcome issues that are causing throat pain. These medicines go to the root cause of throat pain and bring natural relief. Besides managing throat pain, they also bring relief in itching, irritation or scratching in throat, redness, swelling of throat and tonsils, dryness/burning in throat, white spots or pus points on tonsils, fever. These medicines are 100% natural remedies without any kind of side effects. They are effective for acute as well as chronic cases of throat pain. The suitable medicines for these cases have to be selected separately for every case after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So prior to taking any homeopathic medicine, it is advised to get any case of throat pain evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under doctor’s supervision. Self-medication should not be done in any case. In cases of throat pain from strep throat, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as complications may occur and homeopathy can not help in such cases independently.

Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Pain

1. Belladonna – Top Remedy

Belladonna is the topmost homeopathic medicine to manage cases of throat pain. In cases needing it, pain in the throat gets worse on swallowing. Swallowing of liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing of saliva is also painful. There is also dryness of the throat. Heated sensation and constriction is felt in the throat. On examination, there is redness in throat and tonsils. The tonsils are swollen and enlarge.  Short, dry cough can also occur. It is also indicated for pain in the throat attended with fever. Fever can attend above complaints. During fever, heat is felt on the entire body, especially on the face and the head. Heat is followed by a cold feeling. Belladonna is most prominently indicated to manage recent cases of throat pain in the very beginning of the complaint.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Throat Pain Extending To Ears

This is a very effective medicine for managing cases where throat pain radiates to ears. The pain is worse when swallowing solid food. Usually stitching type of pain occurs. A very characteristic feature that attends is the sensation of a splinter (a tiny sharp glass or wood piece broken form a large piece) or plug of mucus in the throat. Redness in the throat along with enlarged red follicles can be seen when throat is examined. Cough may be present with thick yellow expectoration. Fever along with chills and shivering may be present.

3. Merc Sol – With Excessive Salivation In Mouth

Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when there is pain in the throat along with increased saliva in the mouth. Offensive smell emanates from the mouth. Pain may extend to ears. The throat is swollen, bluish-red. Ulcers or white spots can be seen in the throat. Fever may be present with alternate heat and shivering. Profuse sweating also occurs which has an offensive odour.

4. Phytolacca – With Burning Sensation In The Throat

This medicine is highly suitable for pain attended with burning sensation in the throat. It may feel as if burning is occurring as from coal of fire in the throat. There is marked difficulty in swallowing even water. Drinking hot drinks worsens the pain. The throat is dry. The throat looks dark red or bluish. There is swelling, enlargement of tonsils that look bluish, dark red or dark purple. A lump sensation in throat can be there with a constant urge to swallow.

5. Merc Iodatus Ruber – For Left-Sided Throat Pain

This medicine is prominently indicated for left-sided throat pain. The throat looks dark red and left-sided tonsils are markedly swollen. There is coughing along with the above symptoms. There is an urge to hawk along with a lump sensation in the throat. There is mucus in throat. The uvula is elongated.

6. Merc Iod Flavus – To Help Right-Sided Throat Pain

For right-sided throat pain, this medicine proves very effective. The throat is swollen on the right side. The tonsils are also swollen. There is relief from drinking cold drinks. Lump is felt in the throat. Ulcers are present on the back of the throat. There is thick, sticky mucus in the throat.

7. Lac Can – For Pain Throat From Left To Right Side

Lac Caninum works well when pain throat starts from left then goes to right side. Pain is worse when swallowing and may extend to the ears. Pricking sensation is felt in the throat as if it is full of sticks. Follicles are formed in the throat covered with whitish cream colored mucus. The tonsils are enlarged, shiny, deep red in color. White ulcers can be present on the tonsils. A very important indication for its use is pain in the throat before and during menses.

8. Lycopodium – For Pain Throat From Right To Left Side

Lac Caninum is a well-indicated medicine when pain starts from the right side of the throat, then goes to the left side. Stitching type of pain occurs in the throat. Sharp pains also occurs while swallowing. There is worsening of pain from cold drinks and relief from warm drinks. There is dryness in the throat with no feeling of thirst. Ulcers may appear on tonsils starting from the right side.

9. Kali Bichrome – With Excessive Thick Mucus In Throat

This medicine is highly recommended when there is throat pain accompanied with thick mucus in the throat. The mucus is very sticky and ropy that comes out in the form of a long thread from the mouth. The discharge collects in the throat from the back of the nose (post-nasal discharge). Ulcers appear on the tonsils and throat. Burning sensation is felt in the throat along with the above complaints.



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