What Is Protruding Piles And Its Homeopathic Remedies

Piles refers to swollen, dilated, inflamed veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum. These are broadly divided into two types — external (that form on the anus and can be seen or felt at the anus) and internal (that develop within the rectum). Protruding piles refers to protrusion of piles (that otherwise lies inside the rectum) out of the anus during straining while passing stool. In mild cases, it tends to go back inside the anus on its own after the passage of stool. In moderate cases, the piles that protrude out when straining does not recede back into the anus on its own and has to be manually pushed back. In severe cases, the piles does not move inside the anus even when pushed manually and remains outside the anus permanently. This condition is referred to as prolapsed piles. Different signs and symptoms can attend protruding piles. These might include pain, bleeding, itching, burning sensation and mucus discharge. A prolapsed piles can be severely painful if a blood clot forms inside it and such piles is termed as thrombosed piles. Prolapsed piles also has a chance to get strangulated when blood supply to the piles stops as it gets trapped in anal muscles. Thrombosis and strangulation of piles are the serious complications of piles needing urgent medical help.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of protruding piles. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the signs and symptoms of this complaint. Symptoms like pain, burning sensation, itching, bleeding get well managed with these medicines very effectively. They work magnificently by improving blood flow and reducing swelling in the veins around the anus and rectum. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for managing such cases is prescribed after detailed analysis of a particular case. Homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way to treat a condition and there are no side effects of these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases of protruding piles. In severe cases with permanently prolapsed piles and in case of strangulated and thrombosed piles, homeopathy has limitations in bringing relief and in such cases, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Protruding Piles

1. Aloe Socotrina – Top Recommended Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a top listed homeopathic medicine for managing cases of protruding piles. In cases needing it, piles protrude out at the anus and looks like a bunch of grapes. These are very painful, sore, and tender to touch. There may be relief in pain from washing with cold water. In some cases, there may be bleeding from the piles. Itching can also be felt in the piles along with the above complaints. There may be an urge to pass stool frequently. It gets worse after eating. Bearing down sensation is well marked in the rectum along with the above complaints.

2. Muriatic Acid – For Piles That Are Highly Painful To Touch

Muriatic Acid is a prominently indicated medicine to manage cases in which piles are extremely painful to touch. Even the least touch is unbearable on the anus where this medicine is required. The piles looks blue and swollen. There is burning sensation. Bleeding can also occur from the piles. This may be attended with weakness. There may be stitching pain in the piles. The pain gets better by warm applications.

3. Ratanhia – With Prominent Burning In Piles

Ratanhia is a highly beneficial medicine for protruding piles with prominent burning in the anus. The burning continues for a long time after passing the stool. Burning is intense like from fire. There is relief by cold water application on anus. There is difficulty in passing stool. The stool passes with great straining followed by burning and pain in the anus. Knife-like stitching pain can also be felt in the rectum.

4. Nitric Acid – For Protruding Piles With Bleeding

Nitric Acid is the best suited medicine when there is protrusion of piles on passing stool along with bleeding. The stool is also hard, painful and difficult to pass. Mucus discharges may also occur after passing hard stool. Pricking and burning sensation and sharp, stitching type of pain is felt in the anus after passing stool. The anus is also sensitive to touch. A sensation of weight and pressure is felt in the anus other than the above symptoms.

5. Collinsonia – With Marked Constipation

This medicine is highly effective for cases of protruding piles occurring along with marked constipation. The stool is hard and its passage is painful. A characteristic attending symptom is a sensation as if the rectum is filled with sharp sticks or sand. In cases needing it, the piles is painful and can bleed as well. There is burning and constricted sensation in the rectum. Lastly itching is felt at the anus.

6. Causticum – For Pain In Piles When Standing, Sitting, Walking

Causticum is a very useful medicine to manage piles that is very painful when standing, sitting or walking. There is relief in the pain after passing stool. There is stinging, stitching or burning type of pain in the piles. Pain in the piles also occurs when touching the anus. The piles is large in size that tends to impede passage of stool. Stool is hard and covered with mucus.

7. Baryta Carb – For Piles Protruding With Passing Stool And Urine

This medicine is highly recommended when piles protrudes out while passing stool as well as while passing urine. Burning sensation is felt in the anus when passing stool and also after passing stool. Shooting pain in the piles is also felt. There is constipation also with passage of hard, difficult and insufficient stool. After passing stool, oozing of some fluid is seen from the piles.

8. Calcarea Phos – To Manage Oozing Of Fluid From Piles

Use of this medicine is suggested when there is oozing of fluid from the protruding piles. A yellow–colored fluid oozes after passing stool. Bleeding can also occur after passing stool. Itching is also felt in the piles. Stitching or shooting pain in the anus can attend. In some cases, pulsating sensation is felt in the anus. Anus feels sore in the morning after getting up.

9. Lachesis – For Piles With Continuous Urge For Stool

Lachesis is an important medicine to manage cases of protruding piles attended with a continuous urge to pass stool. Anus feels constricted with this complaint. The piles is large in size. Burning is felt at the anus after passing stool. Stitching pain is felt in the piles and rectum when coughing or sneezing.

10. Kali Carb – When Piles Protrude With Loose Stool

This medicine is helpful for protrusion of the piles along with loose stool. The piles is large and painful. It is attended with needle-like stitching pain. Burning sensation may also be felt in the piles. Bleeding can also occur from piles. The piles may be sore to touch.

11. Lycopodium – For Managing Itching In Piles

Lycopodium is a suitable medicine for managing itching in the piles. The piles protrudes and also bleeds where this medicine is required. There is pain in the piles. The pain gets worse while sitting and also when touching.





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