WHY Crystal Grids Use Sacred Geometry (the key)

Learn why crystal grids use sacred geometry. What happens to the energy of crystals when you arrange them into patterns, geometric shapes and ancient symbols?

What Is Sacred Geometry?

To understand why crystal grids use sacred geometry I want to define what that means and why it’s important. Sacred geometry is a metaphysical science and spiritual belief that’s becoming more popular.

The idea is that the geometric shapes found in everything from atoms to all of nature are like the fingerprints of the divine. The natural order and structures are seen as divine in origin. Therefore this framework must have existed before the physical world was formed.

why do crystal grids use sacred geometry blog post
Crystal grids and sacred geometry
photo of Stonehenge
Stones at Stonehenge contain high amounts of Quartz
Metatrons cube crystal grid base
Metatron’s cube crystal grid base
Flower of life crystal grid
Flower of Life crystal grid
colourful crystal grid with metatrons cube base
Geometry holds power

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