Why Fermented Foods are so important

Did you know, that the are many times more cells of bacteria, fungi and other mirco-organisms both on and inside each of us than there are of our own cells? You’re more than merely human!

An exciting new area of research has opened up recently, as scientists try to find out how we interact with these organisms and what they do, both for us and, some, against us.

Probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus stock photoMany of these micro-organisms reside in our gut, where they help make important vitamins and hormones, including feel-good serotonin. In short, keeping our gut bacteria happy keeps us and our bodies happy, as these hormones affect mood, how well we sleep and many other lifestyle factors.

During my Workshops I’ll tell you more about how the bacteria produced during fermentation can help your overall wellbeing, for the better. I’ll be offering a wide range of fermented vegetables to try, as well as milk kefir, homemade nut and milk cheeses, beetroot kvass and Natto, fermented soya beans that give you a vitamin K2 hit, and help prevent blood clotting. I show you how to make these foods and you get to make your own ferment to take home. Further information on my Fermenting Workshops page. Anyone who’s attended one of my Fermentation Workshops is welcome to attend at half price.

If you’d like to hear a little more of what I do, register for a Free webinar afternoon this Sunday (5th February) with Whole Health Macrobiotic Forum where I’ll be demonstrating and talking at 5pm.

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