Source: Metapsychosis. Our friend Mike Eisenberg has published a new article on humanity’s longing to return to a divine prehistorical state and its relation to music stripped of physical context. Among other things.
What is the origin of the Soul, and how should we speak of its descent, its wanderings? Confined to the inadequacies of our language, how should this tale be told, this great chasm of transmission be navigated? How should we untangle the knots of our clock-time universe to trace the untraceable and unsayable? The mystic epic is the Soul’s yearning to come back to Earth. This is not the physical Earth that we inhabit, the one that rewards our amnesia. This is not the Earth that, in the realm of the five senses, in the realm of linear history, we are raping. This is an Earth whose true material form, as Corbin suggests, can be no heavier than that of music. This is the Earth of Light that we can only perceive through the eyes of the heart.