Massive gates swing slowly inward like arms being unfurled in the direction of passage. Pausing before entering, sounds invade the entrance, escaping from deep within as tormented sonic waves now finally free. Pressurized melodies build, expand and disintegrate in clear conscious space. Foreboding beauty, glowing aural radiance, the fathomless shudder of sleeping giants breath, Soplo is filled with succulent tones and disturbing mummers. Welling up from distant depths, the world is the vessel and the aural echo through time is the brew.
Daniela Huerta glides along the creative tightrope. Haunting music box melodies twirl on an infinity mirror, all floating on the most opaque sea of lost drones. Soplo holds seven tracks whispering in an out of aural presence in a short twenty five minutes. The sounds within seem to billow from earth’s underbelly, dripping water and muffled hisses, escaping from ancient buried conduit. An extinct or so thought civilization reverberating through time and terra firma.