Source: Fringes of Sound.
Fletina – Louise
Scottish sound artist Fletina’s latest release is a long and meandering composition that feels rather dark and sinister. It’s not clear where all of the sounds are sourced from but the primary basis for it all is the sound of a barn burning consistently in the background. It has its ebbs and flows that occur in bizarrely cinematic ways, but these ebbs feel very intentional as attempt to tell a rather disquieting story. For the first half of this long cinematic track, there is a slow and consistent build. You can hear the dawdling vibrations of the track that feel like a running engine of some sort, There are these strange shuffling noises that occur intermittently as well, giving a sense of movement to all of this that feels unwieldy and odd. Footsteps, unfamiliar thumps, and rustles appear in odd places and are slowly subsumed by the growing sounds the vibrations and the fire. Sirens appear as the noises slowly grow in volume and the intensity of the situ…
WHEN LIGHT – Holographic Topographies
Mold Omen – Decomponents
Nickolas Mohanna – Speaker Rotations