Pawn Pawn (Dark Electro) – The Noise Beneath The Snow

Thanks for your time today. The latest release is ‘Halloween’. Why a Halloween-themed album a safe distance away from the holiday?

Are your songs created in pretty much the same way in every case? Do you have to be in particular locations or moods to be inspired?

What’s the biggest technical challenge that you’ve had to overcome? That could be anything from a computer crash, “learning curve” or anything like that. How did you overcome it?

What do you think is the mark of a good remix from the perspective of both the artist and the remixer?

Let’s say many years from now in the future, someone finds one of your albums and something to play it on in an old, locked box. What do you want them to understand about your message or your legacy just by listening to your music?

What do you think has changed for you since your first release on both technical and artistic levels?

Have you ever composed a song that was written from such a painful perspective that you refused to release it?

Are most of your lyrics written from a perspective of internal observation or external (i.e. society etc.)?

Thanks for your time once again. These last words are yours.

Stream PAWN PAWN on Spotify HERE:

Check out the lyric video for “Jealousy Looks Good On Me” HERE:

Buy/Stream The EP on Bandcamp:

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