RL Huber * Simon McCorry & Wodwo – Ambientblog

RL HuberRL Huber


I had never heard of RL Huber before until I heard this album, which – according to BandCamp – is his second album (in four months: Animam Edere was released in December 2023). That is, if you check his Bandcamp page as RL Huber – there’s also a RyanHuber Bandcamp page which seems to be the same artist. The difference: the latter is heavily beat-oriented, while the ‘RL’ music is far more cinematic ambient.

I’m afraid I can’t tell you much more about his background, either, apart from that he is inspired by artists like Ryuichi Sakamoto, Max Richter, and Anna Thorvaldsdottir. These influences can easily be heard in the music of Memories Of Falling: this music would have been a perfect soundtrack to a movie about … about what exactly?

As Ryan Huber explains himself: “I started working on it after having a series of random dreams and then having memories (?) that may have been dreams. I’ve attempted to “soundtrack” the experience.”

So, let’s simply leave it at that: this is a perfect soundtrack to dreams and memories that may have been dreams.

Every Creeping ThingEvery Creeping Thing


With some 160 releases (since 2016), it’s a bit hard to keep up with Harry Towell’s Whitelabrecs label. But it’s worth trying: there are many gems to be found in its catalogue.

Gloucester-based cellist, composer and sound designer Simon McCorry is a regular guest on the label. His companion for this release is WodwoRay Robinson, also from the UK – who contributed a track for the january release Sleeplaboratory 4.0. on Whitelabrecs, but has quite a few more releases available on his Bandcamp page.

Every Creeping Thing is ‘a celebration of mud and moss and slugs and bugs and roots and damp – songs of the forgotten, the small, the overlooked’. More of an introduction is hardly necessary, I think.
‘Guitar, cello, and modular synth are played, processed, and recorded live. Nothing is sequenced or quantised, maintaining an organic breath.’
The track titles are taken from Jacob Polley’s poetry collection, Jackself, to which Ray felt a strong connection: ‘it felt as if they were inhabiting similar worlds: a world of frosty mornings, kidney-coloured pools, rosehips, and buzzards’ wings’. 

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