Welcome to your home away from home, your oasis of mental reset, and that place beyond the stars deep within the cosmic ocean of solace. This newly branded aural pool of euphoria ushers in 2022 and is one with special purpose and intention. By this title, your old boy Tonepoet is not telling you that you should dismiss your dreams, or that they are obstructions, or even that they are lifeless longings that you shelve in favor of ‘responsibilities’ (there’s that word again, I hate that word). That is quite the opposite, dear listener. To dream is to feel alive, and turning those dreams into triumphs and memories, that is to actually live. This is the endlessly flowing river of potential where we want to find ourselves. Understand that the ebb and flow of the currents and tides might feel like a discourse, but it is merely a test of your drive and ambition to reach the higher ground.
I am here with you, dear listener, and as always nudging you in that direction towards your highest potential. Much change begins with the mind, and it is the mind that takes in aural cues for motivation and fuel for the victories over your challenges. Use this session as that replenishing fuel and creative mind-juice. In turn, take charge of those dreams and create memories from them. Peace.
Turn on, tune in, dream big…
- “To Where Traces Of My Dreams Remain” by A Cerulean State from A
Place Amid The Golden Fields (Start Time: 00:00)
- “Atomos XI”
by A Winged Victory For The Sullen from Atomos (Start Time: 03:01)
- “Still, The
Earth Will Remain” by Ashen Swan from L’appel du Vide (Start Time: 04:13)
- “Lignin
Poise (Excerpt)” by Benoît Pioulard from Lignin Poise (Start Time: 05:24)
- “N B” by Sylvain
Chauveau from Eleven Into Fifteen [A 130701 Compilation] (Start Time: 08:29)
- “The Scent
Of Rain” by Delia Derbyshire Appreciation Society from Delia Derbyshire
Appreciation Society (Start Time: 10:50)
- “Forecast
Fire” by High Skies from Sounds Of The Earth (Start Time: 17:31)
- “Galaxyrise”
by In The Branches from Expanse Sessions (Start Time: 20:41)
- “Blown Away”
by Focus On The Breath from Fragile (Start Time: 24:48)
- “We Played
Some Open Chords And Rejoiced, For The Earth Had Circled The Sun Yet Another
Year” by A Winged Victory For The Sullen from A Winged Victory For The Sullen (Start
Time: 28:11)
- “Cloudscape
Timelapse 27.05.15 (Silent Voices)” by An Imaginal Space from Cloudscape
Timelapse Vol. 2 (Start Time: 33:48)
- “La
Vagabonde” by Balmorhea from The Wind (Start Time: 37:10)
- “Night” by Danny
Mulhern from Reflections On A Dead Sea (Start Time: 41:51)
- “Rain Master”
by Clem Leek from Exhibition #100 [Audiobulb Various Artists] (Start Time: 42:29)
- “Armstrong
Opening/Closing” by Adam Bryanbaum Wiltzie from Salero Soundtrack (Start Time: 49:54)
- “Rotterdam
(Story IX) (Excerpt)” by Ashot Danielyan from Night Meetings (Start Time: 52:37)
- “Sea Ear
(Excerpt)” by Shida Shahabi from Shifts (Start Time: 53:51)
- “Lost I” by The
Fire & The Fog from Endless Vol. 1 (Start Time: 56:59)
- “After The
Rain” by Hazy from After The Rain (Start Time: 58:45)