In the first box there are nine folders of NYPD records about racial “disorder” in Harlem during 1963-1965. Several are specific to demonstrations staged by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). One example is an NYPD Memorandum, dated June 12, 1963, concerning an “Afro-Asian Bazaar” scheduled to take place at the 69th Regiment Armory. The memo states that Malcolm X, “leader of the Nation of Islam in this city,” had been interviewed about the Bazaar. The NYPD confirmed that the Nation of Islam had approval from the Adjutant General in Albany to use the Armory, but also noted, “This situation will receive continued attention and new developments reported as they occur.” In another document, dated June 7, 1965, the NYPD discussed “possible trouble this summer,” specifically referring to “…groups of youngsters [who] are very dangerous and could easily set off further riots and disorders.”
Three folders in this box document NYPD preparations for anticipated anti-draft demonstrations in 1967. Among the items is a multi-page mimeographed document helpfully listing the “Laws Relating to Public Demonstrations” that police officers might invoke when arresting persons at the planned demonstrations.
Other documents are more general in nature. The series includes a nine-page Memo dated June 10, 1966, Subject: Resume of Certain Police Problems Associated with the Summer Season.” Among the problems addressed in the list are Panic Triggered by Sudden Storms, Throwing Bricks and Debris from Roof Tops, Drag Racing, Fireworks, and Prevention of Swimming at Unauthorized Locations. More ominously, it also lists, Automobile Larceny, Vandalism in Schools, Narcotics, and Youth Gangs and Juvenile Delinquency.