Johnson County’s Drought Years | JoCoHistory Blog

Water has always been essential to life in Johnson County—shaping the land, sustaining communities, and influencing the local economy. The Johnson County Museum’s new special exhibit, Ripples: Water, Community, and You, explores the area’s water history, including how people have managed its scarcity and abundance over time.

Did you know that Johnson County receives about 40 inches of precipitation each year? That rainfall keeps our rivers flowing, supports local agriculture, and allows homeowners to maintain their lawns. But what happens when precipitation is drastically reduced? Throughout history, droughts have periodically struck the region, challenging residents and reshaping the way water is managed. Read on for a sampling of these difficult times from the county’s history.

This photograph taken in 1955 shows low water in Lake Olathe. The year before the county suffered from an extreme drought, and Olathe was forced to haul water by rail from Kansas City to meet its needs. Courtesy Olathe Public Library.

Great American Desert or American Oasis?

Kansas has been called both of those things – a desert and an oasis. Early 19th-century Euro-American explorers believed the prairie was an arid region without enough water to grow crops or raise cattle. Those who moved to Kansas after it was opened for settlement in 1855 arrived during a drought.

Between June 1859 and November 1860, almost no precipitation fell other than a few light showers and two light snowfalls. It wasn’t enough to sustain crops or provide drinking water for livestock. As a result, more than 30,000 landowners abandoned their claims in Kansas and returned east.

But within a decade, rainfall patterns shifted. During the 1860s and 1870s, railroads advertised Kansas as a fertile land with ample water. Fortunately for them, a true rainy cycle kept that promise intact—for a time.

On this map from 1823, the Great American Desert is clearly labeled over what is now western Kansas. Johnson County appears in the red box. Courtesy Library of Congress.

A Devastating Summer Drought – 1913

The summer of 1913 brought extreme heat and 12 weeks of little to no rain across the Midwest. Kansas newspapers reported that “old settlers agree that the present drought is the worst in the history of the state.”

The situation became so severe that forest trees began dying, wells and springs ran dry, and creeks stagnated. Farmers salvaged what they could by cutting their failing corn crops early and storing them in silos.

Despite the hardships, Kansans remained hopeful. On September 10, 1913, the Olathe Independent editorialized, “the eastern papers have had much to say about the drought and the probable results, but Kansas will not suffer greatly and within a few months after rain comes will forget all about it.”

The rains finally returned later that month—too late to save crops but enough to replenish water supplies.

An “Acute Lack of Drinking Water” – 1934-1935

A seven-year drought in the 1920s and early ‘30s strained the region’s water supply. This was the same drought that produced the “Dust Bowl” that decimated agricultural lands in western Kansas. Summer 1934 through summer 1935 hit Johnson County hardest. The lack of precipitation became so dire that by July 1934, geologists were surveying sites for new wells and holding ponds to combat an “acute lack of drinking water.”

These images displayed in the Museum’s special exhibit, Ripples: Water, Community, and You, show the Dust Bowl in Kansas. Drought, combined with unsustainable agricultural practices that broke up the native plant roots that held the soil together, caused giant, blowing storms of drifting soil. Historic photographs courtesy Kansas State Historical Society and Library of Congress.

To provide immediate relief, Kansas City, Missouri’s mayor opened eight fire hydrants for free use to homeowners, farmers, and gardeners – anyone, regardless of where they called home.

Lake Olathe, which had a 70-million-gallon capacity, struggled to meet demand. With daily usage at 415,000 gallons, officials worried about depletion. By spring 1935, 17 new ponds were under construction across Monticello, Stanley, Gardner, and Stilwell, some of which still exist today.

Relief by Rail – 1954

After an already dry 1953, the summer of 1954 shattered records with extreme heat and drought. By January 1954, Lake Olathe was nearly empty, leaving Olathe desperate for water.

The nearby town of Gardner offered temporary relief, allowing 12 trucks of water per day to be transported from Gardner Lake. However, this wasn’t sustainable.

The Kansas City Star published these images in February 1954, showing water from rail tankers being delivered into Lake Olathe to meet the city’s consumption demands during a severe drought. In the image at left, a line of tanker rail cars is visible at right, and arrows at the top show the water flowing into Lake Olathe. At right, a closeup of one of the tankers with an arrow pointing to the water flowing out. From clipping files at the Johnson County Museum.

A more drastic solution was needed. Railroads stepped in. The Santa Fe and Frisco railroads transported 300,000 gallons of water daily from Kansas City, Missouri, via 30 rail cars to Olathe’s reservoirs. This emergency supply was just enough to sustain the city’s 300,000-gallon daily demand.

Finally, in May 1954, the rains returned—3.35 inches fell at the start of the month, marking the first inflow into Olathe’s main reservoir in nearly a year. With water levels restored, the relief-by-rail effort ended.

Modern Misery – 2012 

More recently, the 2012 drought was one of the most extreme in Kansas history. Following record flooding in 2011, rainfall plummeted, making autumn 2011 the fifth driest on record.

After a deceptively wet spring, the heat and dryness of summer wiped out crops, forced ranchers to thin their herds, and caused costly damage to suburban home foundations. Olathe, which normally receives 17 inches of precipitation between April and July, saw just 7.28 inches.

The crisis escalated to a federal level — 82 Kansas counties were declared disaster areas due to water shortages and agricultural losses.

Published in the Olathe Mirror newspaper on July 25, 1901, this poem complains of a heat wave that year but is also a reminder of the cyclical nature of droughts and floods in Kansas and the Midwest.

Learn More at Ripples: Water, Community, and You

Droughts have shaped life in Johnson County for centuries, and our history is full of resilience, adaptation, and community-driven solutions. Explore these stories and more in our special exhibit, Ripples: Water, Community, and You.

Plan your visit today!

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