Labor History Bibliography, 2024 | LAWCHA

This is my 12th year of creating the annual bibliography, which used to be in the LAWCHA annual newsletter. If you think a book published in 2024 should have been included, I can update this list. Just let me know by emailing [email protected]

Barnes, Kenneth C. 2024.  Mob Rule in the Ozarks: The Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad Strike , 1921-1923. University of Arkansas Press.

Bell, Henry. 2024. Red Threads: A History of the People’s Flag. Pluto Press.

Bell, Karen Cook. ed. 2024. Southern Black Women and Their Struggle for Freedom during the Civil War and Reconstruction.  Cambridge University Press.

Bernstein, Robin. 2024.  Freeman’s Challenge: The Murder That Shook America’s Original Prison for Profit. University of Chicago Press.

Bittmann, Simon. 2024. Working for Debt: Banks, Loan Sharks, and the Origins of Financial Exploitation in the United States. Columbia University Press.

Brown, Nicole M. 2024. We Are Each Other’s Business: Black Women’s Intersectional Political Consumerism During the Chicago Welfare Rights Movement. Columbia University Press.

Browne, Randy M. 2024. The Driver’s Story: Labor and Power in the World of Atlantic Slavery. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Bruno, Robert. 2024. What Work Is. University of Illinois Press.

Bruns, Roger. 2024. Encyclopedia of Cesar Chavez : The Farm Workers’ Fight for Rights and Justice. Bloomsbury Academic.

Chanin, Jesse. 2024. Building Power, Breaking Power: The United Teachers of New Orleans, 1965-2008. The University of North Carolina Press.

Cherny, Robert W. 2024.  San Francisco Reds: Communists in the Bay Area, 1919-1958.University of Illinois Press.

Clark, Daniel J. 2024. Listening to Workers: Oral Histories of Metro Detroit Autoworkers in the 1950s. University of Illinois Press.

Correia, David. 2024. Set the Earth on Fire:The Great Anthracite Coal Strike of 1902 and the Birth of the Police.Haymarket Books.

Deetz, Kelley Fanto. 2024. Bound to the Fire: How Virginia’s Enslaved Cooks Helped Invent American Cuisine. University Press of Kentucky.

De Leon, Adrian. 2024  Bundok: A Hinterland History of Filipino America. The University of North Carolina Press.

Dyer, Glenn 2024. The Era Was Lost: The Rise and Fall of New York City’s Rank-and-File Rebels. The University of North Carolina Press.

Emmons, David M. 2024.  History’s Erratics: Irish Catholic Dissidents and the Transformation of American Capitalism, 1870-1930. University of Illinois Press.

Fahrenthold, Stacy. 2024. Unmentionables: Textiles, Garment Work, and the Syrian American Working Class. Stanford University Press.

Falciola, Luca. 2024. Up against the Law: Radical Lawyers and Social Movements, 1960s-1970s / The University of North Carolina Press.

Fink, Leon. 2024. The Maya of Morganton Work and Community in the Nuevo New South Updated edition. The University of North Carolina Press.

Fortmueller, Kate, and Luci Marzola, eds. 2024. Hollywood Unions. Rutgers University Press.

Frank, Dana. 2024. What Can We Learn from the Great Depression? Penguin Random House.

Fure-Slocum, Eric Jon, and Claire Goldstene, eds. 2024. Contingent Faculty and the Remaking of Higher Education: A Labor History. University of Illinois Press.

Gibbs, David. 2024. Revolt of the Rich: How the Politics of the 1970s Widened America’s Class Divide. Columbia University Press.

Ginzberg, Lori D. 2024. Tangled Journeys One Family’s Story and the Making of American History University of North Carolina Press.

Goddard, Connie. 2024.  Learning for Work How Industrial Education Fostered Democratic Opportunity University of Illinois Press..

Goldman, Debbie J. 2024. Disconnected: Call Center Workers Fight for Good Jobs in the Digital Age. University of Illinois Press.

Greene, Julie. Box 25: Archival Secrets, Caribbean Workers and The Panama Canal The University of North Carolina Press.

Griffin, Sean. 2024. The Root and the Branch: Working-Class Reform and Antislavery, 1790–1860. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Gronningsater, Sarah L. H. 2024. The Rising Generation: Gradual Abolition, Black Legal Culture, and the Making of National Freedom. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Hartog, Hendrik. 2024. Nobody’s Boy and His Pals: The Story of Jack Robbins and the Boys’ Brotherhood Republic. University of Chicago Press.

Heatherton, Christina. 2024 Arise! Global Radicalism in the Era of the Mexican Revolution. University of California Press.

Howard, Ashley. 2024. Midwest Unrest 1960s Urban Rebellions and the Black Freedom Movement. University of North Carolina Press.

Hunt-Hendrix, Leah and Astra Taylor. 2024. Solidarity: The Past, Present, and Future of a World-Changing Idea. Penguin Random House.

Honey, Michael and James M. Lawson. 2024. Revolutionary Nonviolence: Organizing for Freedom.University of California Press

Juravich, Nick. 2024. Para Power: How Paraprofessional Labor Changed Education. University of Illinois Press.

Kahle, Trish. Energy Citizenship: Coal and Democracy in the American Century. Columbia University Press.

Kirschner, Lauren. 2024. Sex Work in Popular Culture. University of Toronto Press.

Larson, Mark. 2024. Working in the 21st Century: An Oral History of American Work in a Time of Social and Economic Transformation. Agate Midway.

Lause, Mark A. 2024. Counterfeiting Labor’s Voice: William A. A. Carsey and the Shaping of American Reform Politics. University of Illinois Press.

Leopold, Les. 2024. Wall Street’s War on Workers: How Mass Layoffs and Greed Are Destroying the Working Class and What to Do About It. Chelsea Green Publishing.

Linn, Meredith B. 2024. Irish Fever: An Archaeology of Illness, Injury, and Healing in New York City, 1845-1875 .  The University of Tennessee Press.

Lystra, Karen. 2024. Love and the Working Class: The Inner Worlds of Nineteenth Century Americans. Oxford University Press.

Mann, J. Albert. 2024. Shift Happens: The History of Labor in the United States. Harper Collins.

McNay, John T. 2024. Collective Bargaining and the Battle for Ohio: The Defeat of Senate Bill 5 and the Struggle to Defend the Middle Class. Edited by Senator Sherrod Brown. University of Cincinnati Press.

Messer-Kruse, Timothy. 2024. The Patriots’ Dilemma: White Abolitionism and Black Banishment in the Founding of the United States of America. Pluto Press.

Middlebrook, Kevin J. 2024. The International Defense of Workers: Labor Rights, U.S. Trade Agreements, and State Sovereignty. Columbia University Press.

Miller, Leta E. 2024. Union Divided: Black Musicians’ Fight for Labor Equality. University of Illinois Press.

Montgomery, David W. 2024. A David Montgomery Reader: Essays on Capitalism and Worker Resistance. Ed. by Shelton Stromquist and James R. Barrett. University of Illinois Press.

Morales, Daniel. 2024. Between Here and There: Creating the Political Economy of Mexican Migration, 1900-1942. Oxford University Press.

O’Donnell, Edward T. 2024. The Pullman Strike: A Gilded Age Clash between Labor, Capital, and Government. Routledge.

Peck, Gunther. Race Traffic: Antislavery and the Origins of White Victimhood, 1619-1819. The University of North Carolina Press.

Pyun, Kyunghee, and Vincent G. Quan. 2024. Teaching Labor History in Art and Design: Capitalism and the Creative Industries. Routledge.

Ringer, Andrea. 2024. Circus World: Roustabouts, Animals, and the Work of Putting on the Big Show.  University of Illinois Press.

Rockman, Seth. 2024. Plantation Goods: A Material History of American Slavery. University of Chicago Press.

Rosner, David and Gerald Markowitz. 2024 Building the Worlds that Kill Us: Disease, Death, and Inequality in American History Columbia University Press.

Schuhrke, Jeff. 2024. Blue-Collar Empire: The Untold Story of US Labor’s Global Anticommunist Crusade. Verso Books.

Shone, Steve J. 2024.  Dangerous Anarchist Strikers. Brill.

Singer, Alan. 2024. Class Conscious Coal Miners: The Emergence of a Working-Class Movement in Central Pennsylvania State University of New York Press.

Smith, Craig. 2024. I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night: The History of a Classic American Labor Song. McFarland.

Stanton, Mary. 2024. Recreation without Humiliation: Black Leisure in the Twentieth-Century South / Mary Stanton. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press.

Staszak, Sarah L. 2024. Privatizing Justice: Arbitration and the Decline of Public Governance in the U.S.  Oxford University Press.

Strauss, Claudia. 2024. What Work Means: Beyond the Puritan Work Ethic. Cornell University Press.

Ternullo, Stephanie. 2024. How the Heartland Went Red: Why Local Forces Matter in an Age of Nationalized Politics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

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