Once Upon A Tie: National Tie Month

December 9, 2024

According to National Day Calendar, December is National Tie Month. Though the origin of the celebration is unknown, I have a guess. As neckties are often given as gifts, especially for Father’s Day and Christmas, it seems fitting that we should celebrate in one of those prime gift-giving months. While ties are more often thought of as part of men’s attire, that is dependent upon the type of tie and the time in which it was worn.

Man wearing a wide knotted necktie, Henry County, ca. 1900; Man sporting a black necktie, Henry County, ca. 1900; Man wearing a tucked in necktie, Lawrence County, ca. 1925; Edith Eddy sporting a narrow necktie, Vigo County, ca. 1925; IHS, P0159 (cropped); IHS, P0159 (cropped); IHS, P0066 (cropped); Martin Collection, IHS.

The people above are all sporting what I consider the classic style necktie. The types of these ties have varied over time, with changes including fabric choice, width, length worn, and more. In addition, there are several knots that can be utilized to complete the finished look for this type of tie. Women have been known to wear neckties such as these as well though few images of this were readily available in our digital collection.

Varied bowties worn by a young man, Henry County, ca. 1900; a young woman, Henry County, ca. 1900; Glenn Staggs, Vigo County, 1929. IHS, P0159 (cropped); IHS, P0159; Martin Collection, IHS

Varied forms of bowties have also been prominent over time. From what I think of as the standard bowtie, far right, to other styles favored for men and women in different time periods. Take for instance, the young man and woman in the left two images, both hailed from the same era and geographic area, yet he favored a very narrow bow tie and she a large exaggerated one. There are other types of bowties represented in our digital collection too!

Patience Hayden, Clare Schulmeyer, and Marion Morton wearing scarf ties, Vigo County, ca. 1925.
All images Martin Collection, IHS (cropped)

The three women above, all included in our Martin Photo Collection from around 1925, are sporting their scarf ties in the same way. This must have been a popular style during the mid-20s, about a hundred years ago now. Perhaps we should bring back this style. I know I have a few blouses that have attached ties, but something is interesting about the contrasting ties these women have selected to wear.

George P. Stewart, Marion County, ca. 1895; Man sporting an ascot with a pearl pin, Henry County, ca. 1900; Walter Brandy, Henry County, ca. 1900. Indianapolis Recorder Collection, IHS (cropped); IHS, P0159 (cropped); IHS, P0159 (cropped).

The last tie style I am sharing was clearly popular around the turn of the 20th century as all three men shown above are pictured between 1890 and 1905 or so. They all proudly wear their stiff-collared shirts and ascot ties. It is quite the elegant look that is seen none too often in this day and age.

While there are certain styles of ties I have not highlighted in this blog. I hope you enjoyed those that I have shared with you. For more images of people donning their ties, please check out our digital collection.

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