We saw Eureka Day a week ago, and they just extended its run. It was a 90-minute play that made us laugh out loud, something we hadn’t done in years. If you get a chance, go see it.
This play is a depiction of our times. Set in a private school in Berkeley, California, the board must decide on vaccinations after a mumps outbreak. It is pure wokeism. The fear of making decisions, the backlash on the system (aka not wanting to have your kids vaccinated), the desire to make sure that everyone is heard to the point where nothing gets done and everyone gets pissed.
The one scene when the board and the parent community (the parents are online) to discuss the school crisis is hilarious. The emojis fly, the passive-aggressive comments and the childish personal attacks will make any parent of this generation howl.
The school is so woke that Eureka Day students cheer on the other team when it scores. That line says it all.
We can all laugh at what has become of this community, but the satire shows that it is no different from what is happening in politics. Nobody can decide, everyone is fearful of shutting one sector out, and nobody can lead.
It is a highly entertaining yet incredibly thoughtful play. We loved it.