Sales Emails – Gotham Gal

I get the sales email all the time. I do feel a need to respond politely, “No thanks. ” The hope, of course, is that someone actually reads that and takes me off the list. But no. Oddly enough, if I respond that we are interested, they get back to you, but when you reply no thanks, they continue to come back. So, I hit spam and block it.  

In the old days, sales were called dialing for dollars. You had to get good at creating a personal yet business relationship through a phone. There was no Zoom or FT, no text, and no email.

To me, sales is simple: Listen to the person on the other end and engage. That means you should not bcc a huge group with the same pitch in an email. It means doing your diligence. It means being hospitable. It means knowing the company you are engaging with. It means knowing your name.

Companies shooting off these mundane emails through a software program with zero personality and probably expect returns from their salespeople, thinking technology can help us spend less money and sell more. Or perhaps they understand the conversion rate is good enough. Who knows but I find it hard to believe. I would like to see the numbers of every company that sends me a random sales emails. How can build a significant company with bots and poorly written emails.

I hate to block all these companies hoping to do business with Gotham, but it is my most used button these days.  

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