And here’s a bonus fact of epic proportions!
I know I said there were 30 amazing animal facts here, but there is another that just cannot be ignored. According to BBC wildlife presenter Steve Backshall, wasps do actually have a purpose! In fact, they do one of the most important jobs on this planet, especially from our own human perspective. It turns out that although many people hate wasps and call them ‘nasty little critters’, we humans would not survive without them. Wasps are absolutely vital to our planet’s health. Without wasps the world would be beset by plagues of biblical proportions!
Wasps are vital predators of other insects, particularly aphids and blackfly that kill plants and vegetables. Apparently the cabbage aphid is the most fertile animal on Earth, with the potential for billions of offspring from one single female. Scientists have calculated that without predators such as wasps, in a year one cabbage aphid could cover our entire planet in a layer of bugs 93 miles deep. So next time you’re having a picnic and a wasp comes over to investigate your sugary food, let it do what it wants!
What amazing creatures we live with!
I’m guessing there are several amazing facts there that made you think “WOW!”. Our animal friends are pretty spectacular in many ways and it’s such a shame we underestimate them and treat them as ‘just’ animals a lot of the time. These facts were sourced from the far reaches of that digital ocean we call the world wide web, so if you find one of the facts is wrong, please let me know! Also, if you have any amazing animal facts you know of yourself, post it below in the comments section. And don’t forget to share this with your friends!
Until next time,