Every year on February 2, we celebrate Groundhog Day! Will the groundhog see his shadow this year? Will there be 6 more weeks of winter?
While groundhogs may not be the most accurate weather predictors, they are pretty cool animals. Here are 5 fun facts about groundhogs to celebrate Groundhog Day!
1. Groundhogs are also called whistle pigs.
They may be called whistle pigs, but they’re not pigs. Groundhogs are a species of marmot and a type of rodent. They got this name because they let out a shrill whistle when they sense danger. Groundhogs are also commonly called woodchucks.
2. Groundhog burrows have bathrooms!
Groundhogs are excellent diggers and create complex underground burrows. Their burrows can be up to 20 m (66 ft.) long and contain many tunnels and chambers, including bathrooms!
3. Groundhogs are true hibernators.
In the winter, groundhogs go into their burrows and enter into a deep sleep. Their heart rate slows from 80 beats per minute to 5. Their body temperature drops from 37°C to 3°C (99°F to 37°F). That’s barely above freezing!
4. Groundhogs can climb trees!
Sometimes they climb trees to reach apples or pawpaws (a kind of fruit).
5. Groundhogs gorge themselves in the spring and summer.
To build up a layer of fat in preparation for their winter hibernation, groundhogs eat at least half a kilogram (1 lb.) of vegetation per day in the spring and summer! Luckily, they have teeth that never stop growing to keep up with the constant wear and tear.

Read our article about groundhogs for more cool facts about them!