Company in Town | My Shetland

This is Pepper’s “spot” in our house today!  I was not thrilled as that glass shade on the oil lamp is very fragile.

I told her this.

But Pepper replied that it was nice and sunny and she could see everything.  So then I told her I was going out for the day as I had a dentist appointment in town.  See ya!

Oh dear.  Pepper was not happy and I hate seeing her a) plotting her egress and b) knowing she will succeed.

So I decided to take her with me.  The journey into town was not great as Pepper couldn’t see out and she wanted to look at everything.

But once we got there, we had a good time on the street.

I topped up my sheep field and gave Pepper to a random (but kind) stranger who sort of agreed to take her lead while I completed the necessary sheep-selling invoice/delivery note.

More walking down the street and we visited a few shops, with me asking first if dogs were allowed.  At the Cancer Research charity shop, I bought 2 large cushions.

Then Tesco’s, with a quick walk up and down on the grass, which she loved.  Lots of smells, etc.

Then the dentist (the waiting room) – ugh!

And home with Pepper sitting on her two newly acquired cushions, much happier because she could see out and watch everything all the way back!

Pepper is spark out now, fast a-bye-bye’s as her whole day was exhausting with so much to see and do.  It was lovely having such an enthusiastic companion.

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