For dreams and wishes, fears and failures, thank you
For spirit movers and dull intruders, thank you
For joyful breezes and stifling still, thank you
For life in colour and end in spite, thank you.
As I walk the gentle path, toward a now that is the spark,
I miss the fill that you provide
So trash the mill that is my mind.
You create and so do I
When I attach you push me to fly
into oblivion until I find
That grace is here, not in my mind
I search for magic like an obsessed seeker
You twist my drama you grim reaper
The miracles are here for all
The gifts unlimited, life and more
There is no need for nought but grace
And gratitude in Wirikuta space
Thank you for the steps I walk
And every moment I don’t talk
Thanks for all the time I be
And for when I see and see
Thanks for touch and when they hold
And let me return the gifts of gold
The fortress that surrounds my heart
Is fragile when I sense Your art
And thankfully erodes in time
When oneness is beyond the line
It is enough this life I lead
I am sufficient to be the seed
Of all that is to share What Is
With love, mistakes and trying bliss
Thank you God and all your might
All your gentle and What Is not right
Grace Be