The Animal Protection Society of Durham

I’m attaching some very cute photos taken of Beans courtesy of Cathi on the day that I adopted him, and a few others I took on that day at the shelter and after I brought him home.  I was a bit worried that I would have trouble knowing which cat was the right match for me, but my first few seconds with Beans made my choice crystal clear.  I named him Beans because in my first few moments with him he reached out his paw, showed me his toe beans, and placed his paw on my hand.  The name works two ways, because when you pick Beans up to hold him he goes completely limp, almost like a beanbag.  With his very chill and loving personality I knew it was the perfect match.

Beans was only slightly shy with me on the first few days at the apartment, but was still always so affectionate.  I slowly introduced him to all the rooms in my home so that he would have a smooth and comfortable transition.  Now, just a week later, he is all adjusted, eating well, knows his favorite spots in my apartment, and aced his first vet exam.  He has greeted me at the door every day after I come home from a long day at work – it always is just what I need.

Cheers to animal rescue at APSD,

– Kyle and Beans

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