The Animal Protection Society of Durham

We adopted our furry best friend 9/17/22 at Durham APS, and we couldn’t be more glad.

We needed the joy of a pet back in our lives after our 17 yr old cat passed.

We met this cute little grey boy named “Tems” in one of the open kitten rooms. He was super shy, hiding from us and the other kittens as much as he could. He didn’t want to be held or to play. We could tell he was scared, so we figured our home with no other pets or children could be his ideal haven.

Being hockey fans, his new name became Puck, aka the Carolina Purricane. While signing the paperwork, we learned he had been adopted before and returned within a week. We looked at each other, a bit concerned as to why that could have happened, but nevertheless ready to take Puck home. We followed intro protocol, keeping him in one room for a few days, then allowing him in another, taking about 10 days to have free range. He needed antibiotics to get over a respiratory infection.

Gradually, the shy guy from the shelter became the snuggliest, most social and fun to interact with cat. It took a couple months before he ever meowed, but now he is quick to verbalize for treats, toys, or attention.

As you can see, he’s incredibly loved. We’re so grateful someone returned him so he could live with us!

Thank you Durham APS for all you do.

Emily, Todd, & Puck Pettit

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