2021 Ottawa International Animation Festival Shorts Competition 3 – The Animated Film Industry

About the Ottawa International Animation Festival

The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) has provided animation and entertainment since 1976. The second oldest film institute in the world and also the hub of animation in Canada, has a lot to offer. The festival will be held online from September 22 to October 3, 2021.

Ottawa International Animation Festival Shorts Competition 3


Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Vladimir Leschiov 
From: Latvia & Lithuania
About: It’s never too late for a comeback.

electric + 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Brandon Blommaert 
From: Canada
About: A slow sensuous dance gives way to a technical barrage of prismatic shards of love.

Papa Zaza

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Géraldine Charpentier
From: Belgium
About:  Fleur and her brothers’ games are put on hold when their father, Zaza, is taken to the hospital.

World Brain ‘Dance II (Discovery Zone Cover)’

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Julian Gallese 
From: Costa Rica & Germany
About: A dream computer land inhabited by animals that like to party and frequent museums.

Babičino seksualno življenje (Granny’s Sexual Life) 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Urška Djukić & Emilie Pigeard 
From:  Slovenia & France 
About: A trip into grandmother’s youth and the memories of her intimate life illustrate the status of Slovenian women in the first half of the 20th century.

Festivalska špica Animafest Zagreb 2020 (Animafest Zagreb 2020 Festival Trailer) 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Yoriko Mizushiri 
From: Croatia 
About: A trailer for the Animafest Zagreb 2020.

Nichts (Nothing) 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Paul Hartmann 
From: Germany 
About: Since nothing really matters why not change things.

Rites of Spring 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Yiorgos Tsangaris 
From: Cyprus 
About: The Christian Orthodox tradition and traveling theatre troupes with their pagan roots are two seemingly opposite worlds, both mysterious and enchanting.

Dior ‘A New Continent’ 

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Bárbara Cerro 
From: Argentina
About: Femininity in the world of animation according to Dior.

Impossible Figures and Other Stories

Photo Credit: Ottawa International Animation Festival

Director: Marta Pajek
From: Poland & Canada
About: Following an explosion, a mysterious and elegant elderly woman wanders deserted city streets, recalling what was and what could have been.

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