Ringling’s FutureProof 2025 Opens With an Explosion of Motion and Type – Motion design

Ringling College Motion Design students Rin Yokoi and Diane Lee opened the school’s FutureProof 2025 conference this week with these kinetic and surgically crafted titles as the centerpiece of their comprehensive event branding.

Rin Yokoi and Diane Lee: “Inspired by the phrase ‘no destruction, no creation’, we utilized a combination of unexpected objects exploding and bold type to showcase the spirit of motion designers breaking cliches and going beyond expectations.

“We had just two months to create all the branding assets for the event including key posters, merch, website, email banners, speaker posters, podium posters, workshop posters, teaser posters, social posts, presentation deck, plus this opener. It took one month to do the majority of the branding and another month for the open.

“This project was crazy and so fast and really difficult but ultimately we really just wanted to make something that leaves people going ‘what the heck?’”

“A huge creative challenge was coming up with ways to surprise the audience. There’s already so much amazing work out there so we began to think more conceptually – what are things in history that were proven wrong: the flat earth theory, the phlogiston theory, the Heliocentric theory.

“To break down the process, Rin was the lead in animation and editing while Diane was in charge of the design (type layout) and texturing/lighting of all the 3D. We both know that without the other, this project really could not have happened. We call this project the child of our chaotic minds.

“The Ringling Motion Design Department doesn’t have render farms so we would be at the labs at 1AM almost every night set up on 15 computers rendering out our shots and if that didn’t work, we had to use OTOY’s render token farm where we paid to render out our shots.

“This project was crazy and so fast and really difficult but ultimately we really just wanted to make something that leaves people going ‘what the heck?’ Motion designers are not people that sit at computers meek and passive, we break shit, we find the unexpected routes, and we are a little weird.”
Future Proof 2025 titles Ringling College motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

Future Proof 2025 titles Ringling College motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

Future Proof 2025 titles Ringling College motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

Future Proof 2025 titles Ringling College motion design | STASH MAGAZINE

Future Proof 2025 titles Ringling College motion design | STASH MAGAZINE
School: Ringling College of Art and Design
Director/animator: Rin Yokoi, Diane Lee

Music/sound design: Kelly Warner

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