Studio Ghibli Full of Food (スタジオジブリの 食べものがいっぱい) is a wonderful little picture book that showcases the many examples and varieties of cooking in Studio Ghibli’s movies. Food is an essential part of life, and features prominently in the studio’s many animated features. We see all aspects of preparation, mixing, baking and eating. We are also shown many examples of dishes from around the world, from Japanese ramen and rice to Western casseroles, desserts and even the classic eggs-and-bacon combo. Hmm…I could go for some of that bacon right about now.
The layouts of this book are highly colorful and packed with screenshots from your favorite Ghibli films. Text is light and easy and also includes hiragana characters over the Chinese kanji to help you pronounce the words. If you cannot read the text, at least you will be happy with the artwork.
This book is part of a series of Ghibli-themed books. Other themes include vehicles and animals, and if you enjoy this volume, you should pick up the entire set.
Kudos, as always, to Halycon Dreams for their excellent post on this book, including more photos. If you’d like to purchase a copy of the book, please do so through the Amazon link on their site.