OpenGL is used in the CG lab Programs VTU 6th SEM for learning the graphics. The aim of this blog is to give as much exposure to students so they can learn create and explore the new ideas of implementing the Computer graphics.
The Classroom CG lab Programs for VTU 6th SEM student comprised of showing jouney of education when we all are child and start learning the basics. This program will show the graphical representation of the the classroom where a teacher try to teaches student “A for apple B for Ball …”.
CG lab Programs which we have come up with have so many components or functions. These functions are basically code for small objects like roof, floor, blackboard tube light etc. Different parts of the classroom have different functions to create the objects.
We have created the lady teachers by using the different objects. Like the face we have used the circle to draw it. Similarly the hair we use the semi circle (created code for it). The other parts like nose we have use the lines and vertices with proper coordinates.
There are four kids which are facing towards the teachers has been rendered in this The Classroom CG lab Programs VTU 6th SEM. We have created two benches and each benches consist of two students.
There is dark mode of the program where you can switch off the tubelight and whole class would be in dark.
User Interactions
n – to continues form start screen and proceed to next.
b- back to previous screen
r- restart the screen
Video Demo
Source Code
To get the source code write to [email protected] with the project title.