YOUTUBE LIVE: A Chat with Emily Ann Hoffman about "Nevada"

I had the pleasure of chatting with Emily Ann Hoffman this morning via Skype and live streaming to the Canadian Animation Blog You Tube channel.

We chatted about her film “Nevada”, her inspiration for the film, how she found her way to stop-motion animation, an upcoming short film she is working on, and then we delved into our feeling on the current heads of state in the US and Canada. It’s a worthwhile interview and Emily has mad skills – so check out here stuff! To stay up to date with her activities she recommends following her Instagram:

Other ways to follow what Emily Ann Hoffman is up to:
Vimeo Channel:

Audio Notes: The audio levels are equal this time and I was able to eliminate the reverb… but for some reason OBS decided to only output my audio via the left channel. I swear there is a ghost in the machine that is just messing with me. I even did a test broadcast before going live, and everything was fine! I swear.

Nevada Trailer (2017) from Emily Ann Hoffman on Vimeo.

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