We chatted about her film “Nevada”, her inspiration for the film, how she found her way to stop-motion animation, an upcoming short film she is working on, and then we delved into our feeling on the current heads of state in the US and Canada. It’s a worthwhile interview and Emily has mad skills – so check out here stuff! To stay up to date with her activities she recommends following her Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emilyannimation/
Other ways to follow what Emily Ann Hoffman is up to:
Website: http://www.ehoffmanportfolio.com/
Vimeo Channel: https://vimeo.com/ehoff
Audio Notes: The audio levels are equal this time and I was able to eliminate the reverb… but for some reason OBS decided to only output my audio via the left channel. I swear there is a ghost in the machine that is just messing with me. I even did a test broadcast before going live, and everything was fine! I swear.
Nevada Trailer (2017) from Emily Ann Hoffman on Vimeo.