YOUTUBE LIVE: Hector Herrera and Grayden Chatting About Animation

Hector Herrera took time out of his busy schedule to chat with me about his animation career, the series his studio is working on, and about how he wants to see more artist who are working in similar fields (eg.  motion graphics and animation artists) to connect up and work together. At the end of the chat Hector names some of the motion graphics companies and people that animators should check out.

There are lots of other great pieces in this interview too – so sit back (or pull out some art or animation to work on) and enjoy the chat!

I also embedded Hector’s story Animatic TO’s “The War Stories on Christmas” series for you to enjoy.

*For some reason, OBS decided to add some serious reverb on Hector’s Skype feed, which isn’t too bad once you get used to it – but I’m going to add that to the list of things to fix for my next YouTube Live stream next week!*

To see more of what Hector is working on check out his studio:
Together: Words+Pictures for Art & Culture –

Cool design pieces are also going up on Instagram:

For the artist feature we published on Hector follow this link:

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