Anime Diary #10

I know August Hiatus and I’m putting out a post, well guess I feel bad honestly. 

I feel a bit of a stranger to not just the blog but watching anime as of late. Neither has really happened and anything I wanted to achieve from my last post update. There has been a lot going on but most out of that is dealing with my dog suddenly passing away this week. He was a Labrador and twelve so he lived to a good age but the way he went is not what you want for your animals. Just to quell anyone’s thoughtful concerns he passed away at home in my arms which was the best circumstance thanks to the local home vet we use. The next little bit will be a weird transition but in time things will feel a semi-normal. Depsite other life events and study going on I did find time to read and watch some stuff. Not sure how long this post will be but what will be will be.


Kimi Ni Todoke Season 3   

It’s a total surprise to a lot of people ten years later we have a season three but I knew some fans would be apprehensive of how this all would be handled. I was one that was beyond ecstatic of getting to see Kazehaya and Sawako into the dating phase along with all the romantic new ties spawning. I’ve read the manga but that is the magic of it coming to life through something animated you’ve wanted to die for and in no way was disappointed. I don’t think a lot of people were reading the community feedback. I.G production were back delivering epic animation for one of the cutest shojo on the block. There were minor changes I noticed to the animation style only due to ten years of better, cleaner finish to the animation. Everything had the same vibe particularly the water colour style capturing a crucial facial expression for example a point in episode one or two think it was, she is beaming a smile that makes waves into your soul practically. 

I started a rewatch at the beginning a while go but in the english dub, till now none existed. I am impressed by the choice of casting everyone sounds so on point, Xanthe Hyunh captures fragile, shy Sawako effortlessly making me want to cry half the time. Everyone sounding really good and super happy it has a dub for others to enjoy. The Humour factor is very much present and still on the knocking hard streak, Chizuru getting confused of what’s going on, the out there reactions to scenarios. Hits so hard while laughing and crying at the same time. I actually enjoyed the hour long episodes, and how it cleaned off the ending was appropriate. The content covered was from my own expectations, its was fantastic. I would like to go into detail in other post of a aspect I love about Kimi Todoke covering season three as the focus but you can sense how fufilled I feel. Such a happy watch and reminded why this is my favourite romance show of all time and don’t see that changing ever honestly.

Vampire Dormitory   

For anyone with any sense do not waste your binge session on this train wreck right here. Me and my friend watched while away for a convention and it wasn’t that bad at the start. We like our train wreck series but the turn it took even made us go no no no. I must pass onto others even if you like checking out vampire anything within anime, just not this! 

Romantic Killer

Again while me and my friend were away we managed to start another train wreck show or so we thought. Based off a Webtoon this was not bad honestly, we found pretty funny a weird wizard thing takes away a girl’s three favourite things and in order to get them back. She’s forced to participate in a dating sim game but it becomes her real life. Some of aspects to this are plain ridiciulous but that’s what you have to roll with when watching the show. That’s apart of the comedic factor and plays a strength to an agree. I am surprised to finish this but I wanted to know what happened involving the stalking part. It’s not a show I’d go back too but if you want weird and a distraction I think would fit that need whenever it comes along for you. 

Currently these are the manga I am most keeping up with and loving a whole lot, especially Waiting for Spring authors newest work How I Met My Soulmate?. That read was amazing honestly I need to reread to remind myself because it’s been three weeks since diving into that. I would love to talk about all of these reads but I’ll do in another post or possible podcast maybe for a change. I’ve been keen to add some podcast elements to my posts recently if that something you might like to see feel free to say yes. 

Least you get a mini anime diary entry of where my reading and watching is at. This post is also a starter push to get back towards consistent for my blog but that won’t happen till September for myself. I have a few things wish to write about, the very first thing would be the interstate convention I went to in July, I promised to write about. That is what the next post will be about for sure to start off!. This coming week finally hoping to put out a new podcast episode for August to make up for July and I’ll go from there. 

Guess in a way this is a Hello check in for you guys as I appreciated the comments left on my last update post which I wasn’t expecting, so thankyou very much for that! 

I’ll see you in the next post which is convention talk!




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