Bang Dream Ave Mujica – Episode 10 – Reviving Ave Mujica

Mutsumi really wants to be on a band with Sakiko, no matter which band is it.

Last time, Nyamu came as she called the meeting with Sakiko and others about possibly reviving Ave Mujica. Nyamu is saying the whole thing is gross. What is this remark really about?

Sakiko comforts Mutsumi when she started crying over Mutsumi being gone.

You might be wondering why Nyamu comes in and sees the whole situation as disgusting. She saw the play that Mutsumi’s mother is in. That is while Mutsumi said that it doesn’t have to be CRYCHIC. We know this is probably in the act as Mutsumi eventually breaks down, and Mortis admits she pushed Mutsumi down the stage. Nyamu didn’t like this performance. That is while Mortis cries as Soyo comforts and takes her home. That is while everyone heads home.

Nyamu dragging Uika along to attempt to revive Ave Mujica.
Nyamu tries to remind Sakiko what she said before she started Ave Mujica.

Sakiko doesn’t know what to do as she doesn’t answer whether or not Ave Mujica will get revived. However, Nyamu and Ui come to Sakiko’s house the next day. Yep, Nyamu drags Uiko against her will as Nyamu is determined to revive Ave Mujica. When they got a glimpse of Sakiko’s room, Sakiko said that without Mutsumi, there was no more band. Nyamu reminds Sakiko of what she said about giving her the rest of their life. They expected Ave Mujica to last a long time until it didn’t. Still, Sakiko won’t change her mind as Nyamu said it’s the only thing she has left. Uiko doesn’t seem amused by her decision either.

Sakiko decides to reboot Ave Mujica again.

Interestingly, when Sakiko thinks about what she said to Uiko after she decided to start Ave Mujica, she changes her mind. With Umiri next to Mutsumi’s bed, she decides to bring back Ave Mujica and asks Mortis to imitate playing the guitar without making a single error. They plan to do a revival live pretty soon.

Mutsumi is playing the guitar again.
Uika introduces the song after the revival song.
However, Sakiko’s grandfather can be in the way in rebooting Ave Mujica.

That said, the comeback performance was enjoyable. It started with a lovely song, Uika playing an acoustic guitar. Eventually, Mutsumi could begin playing the guitar before they went on to the main event. That said, the live was good, perhaps surpassing the MyGo reunion. However, there may be some obstacles in Ave Mujica’s comeback as her grandfather came to pick up Sakiko. We’ll see the results soon.

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