I’ve found that “there are no coincidences” is a pretty good working assumption where Kusuriya no Hitorigoto is concerned. There are contrivances and conveniences, certainly. Sometimes Hyuuga Natsu gives the plot a little push when it needs it. But as far as major events themselves, they almost always happen for a reason. As such it seems like a pretty good bet that the two mysteries related this week are directly connected. Sometimes we don’t find that sort of thing out for several episodes, but it looks like this time we’ll know by next week.
Mirrors are the MacGuffin this time around. Lady Gyokuyou has been given one by the special envoy (from the caravan, remember). But then so have all four main concubines – it wouldn’t do for a person in that position to show favoritism. Technology (and costume, and architecture) are intentionally all over the map with The Apothecary Diaries, but glass mirrors are enough of a novelty in this setting for even a cosmopolitan intellectual like Xiaomao to be fascinated by this mirror (a full-length beauty).
Next we have Gaoshun stopping by to solicit Maomao’s help with a mystery. He tells of a rich merchant with two daughters who look similar. The parents are extremely overprotective and keep watch on their daughters at all times to make sure they never leave their quarters. But one of them has managed to become pregnant, or so Gaoshun says. Maomao is immediately suspicious that Gaoshun is withholding crucial information from her. She clearly suspects he’s talking about himself but that story doesn’t fit with what we know of him. She concocts a feasible theory that one of the pair snuck out using a mirror to fool the servants assigned to watch their quarters, and that’s that.
Except it isn’t, because the B-part is almost surely connected. This time it’s Jinshi looking for help, as the envoy has asked to meet the “moon goddess” their grandfather (once the envoy himself) told stories of back home. Maomao pretty quickly concludes that it’s probably the Madam of Verdigris House, who was once the hottest ticket in town. And indeed, the old lady pretty much confirms this when Maomao approaches her about it. The problem is she’s well into her 70s now, and hardly the legendary 175 cm beauty with tears of pearl that the envoy associates with the stories.
The kicker here is that the envoy is a woman, and in fact there are two young women present (twins). That would be asking a lot of coincidence even if this weren’t the show it is, so we can probably guess what Gaoshun was really asking Maomao about. If one follows that train of thought, Jinshi had his men spying on the envoys (I’m not entirely clear on whether these twins are the envoys are perhaps the daughters of said envoy) to make sure they didn’t go out into the city. Why? Is espionage a concern here, or is it something else?
In any event, this is pretty much all a contrivance to get Jinshi to cross-dress (which you had to figure Kusuriya would get around to eventually). If the emperor wants to impress these envoys – crucial for trade – with a 175 cm-tall moon fairy, there aren’t going to be a lot of female options out there. I’m sure there will be much mirth at Jinshi’s expense next week (the line forms behind Maomao) but the usual M.O. is to slip a serious plot point or two in there, and I expect this time will be no different.