Lupin the 3rd: Part II 04
Lupin III Part 2 04
ルパン三世 – 新シリーズ Ep. 04
Lupin Sansei Shin Series
Lupin III New Series
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis
Fujiko’s absence depresses Lupin. However, he livens up when he sees a newspaper article, stating she’d summoned the Loch Ness Monster in Scottland by singing. Lupin and Jigen fly there immediately, thwarting Zenigata in the process. However, when they get to Loch Ness, they discover Fujiko is the prisoner of Doctor Oz. He wants revenge on Nessie as the creature attacked him in his younger days, causing him to lose a leg.
Fujiko refuses to cooperate, so Oz targets Lupin and Jigen for assassination. Instead, Goemon takes out the assassin. Jigen discovers the nice, Scottish home they are living in is surrounded by men and mines. They defeat them. The next morning, Jigen and Lupin are back out on the loch. Goemon saves Lupin from Zenigata’s sniper dart, knocking Zenigata out instead.
A metallic Nessie shows up with Fujiko in its mouth. Both Jigen and Lupin gets eaten by the monster, which is in fact Doctor Oz’s submersible. Again, Fujiko refuses to sing to summon Nessie. As such, Oz drowns them, then has the trio on Metal Nessie. Fujiko decides to sing, allowing Oz to freeze the creature and make off with it using a Chinook helicopter.
The beast is then taken to a cage attached to a boat. Goemon cuts the ice and cage, while a recording of Fujiko singling wakes the beast. It frees itself, destroys Oz’s boat, then swims off as Lupin and company watch from a helicopter.
Woof! Lupin the 3rd: Part II 04 was a boring episode where everything happened ’cause “plot”. The whole knockoff Temu (’cause they couldn’t afford actual rubbish Temu) Moby Dick story did nothing for me. As such, the boredom set in hard.
Although I didn’t care, I did notice that Fujiko has an uncommon bout of consideration for someone else. Normally, Fujiko would be trying to capitalize on Doctor Oz’s obsession. However, in this episode, Fujiko is willing to drown rather than sing. And then after getting drowned (I presume, but not killed), she suddenly decides to sing ’cause “plot”. Ugh.
Zenigata’s appearance is just to have him there for idiotic comedy moments. Otherwise he serves no purpose. Goemon is there as a deus ex machina for when the plot demands. Heck, even Jigen is there to be the butt of a slapstick humor moment. I will admit, I did chuckle at that.
Back to plot demands, it was amazing that Lupin magicked up a helicopter out of his rear. Seriously, I rolled my eyes and said, “Come on!” when Lupin’s gang were in the chopper to observe the end. I suppose you could argue that they flew back in the chopper, but to sneak to Oz’s boat, they’d have to land it far away. So I call “BS”.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Lupin the 3rd: Part II 04 was a boring, dumb episode with one slapstick humor moment that made me chuckle.
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