Lupin the 3rd: Part II 06
Lupin III Part 2 06
ルパン三世 – 新シリーズ Ep. 06
Lupin Sansei Shin Series
Lupin III New Series
SPOILER Summary/Synopsis
Lupin becomes aware of an “earthquake group” threatening the Italian government. He and his gang observe a targeted earthquake destroy an Italian town. As such, Lupin decides to steal the extortion money. Meanwhile, Zenigata invites himself to an Italian government meeting, claiming Lupin is behind the earthquakes. As a result, they throw him out, which Lupin is aware of, thanks to a listening device.
The government officials then listen to a message from Dr. Paolo, who explains how his earthquake machine works. He demands one billion lire delivered to a location in the ocean. Lupin’s gang note this and set up shop to steal the money. Meanwhile, the Italian government sends a helicopter to drop a case full of cash. Lupin attempts to fish the case out, but Zenigata shows up to prevent it.
A dolphin blows up the boat Zenigata is on and takes the now empty case after it opened and spilled the cash. The Italian government is furious with Zenigata and play for him Dr. Paolo’s latest threat, demanding more money or the Leaning Tower of Pisa will be destroyed. Zenigata dumbly still thinks this is all Lupin’s doing.
Meanwhile, Lupin, Goemon, and Jigen infiltrate Paolo’s island base as Lupin put a tracker on the case. Paolo captures them, believing them to be government agents. However, when his dolphin shows up with a second case and Zenigata, Lupin springs into action. Paolo self-destructs the island. Lupin doesn’t get the cash, but Zenigata gets credit for stopping a terrorist.
I chalk Lupin the 3rd: Part II 06 up as another mostly dumb episode. Lupin’s scheme to steal an extortion payment isn’t bad on paper. However, the plot demanded the Italian government not be around to observe who picked up the cash after they dropped it off. If Lupin’s gang could all observe the drop zone, then why not the Italian government?
Then there’s Zenigata. To be honest, he should be smart enough to know that Lupin isn’t capable of setting off town-destroying earthquakes. However, the plot demands he be dumb as rocks and not take the earthquake situation as a serious, terrorist threat. To him, it is just a scheme for Lupin to steal a ton of cash. Even when shown evidence to the contrary, he just dumbly keeps focused on Lupin.
I’ll be honest, the moment Zenigata got an IQ reduction, I figured the story would be structured in such a way that Zenigata becomes the hero. Indeed, this is what happened, with Zenigata still befuddled by this turn of events.
As to the episode’s villain, he seemed a cheesy, James Bond villain. Further, the earthquake element reminded me of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Our Man Bashir”.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
In the end, Lupin the 3rd: Part II 06 is a dumb but I suppose harmless episode.
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