Momentary Lily – Episode 10 – Clone Yuris and The Truth about Renge’s Memories

Is it really Yuri, or just a clone of her?

After Renge part ways with her little sister, Suzuran, after Renge and her friends deal with a Wild Hunt, they see a Yuri. Is she really alive, or maybe she is a clone?

From last time, after seeing the aftermath of defeating the Wild Hunts, Renge, along with Ayame, Hinageshi, Erika, and Sanzaka, saw Yuri. When they tried to talk to her, she suddenly disappeared. It makes you wonder if she is really the honest Yuri?

Renge and her friends follow Yuri down to a certain part of the building.

They eventually went down to a building, trying to follow Yuri. It leads them to a secret room that has capsules on the floor. It’s basically a place that looks like a video game. With that, Renge witnesses visions of that scene and wonders if it’s her. Yuri calls for them, and they see copies of Ayame, Hinageshi, Erika, and Sanzaka. I find it funny to see the reactions of the real and clones of themselves. The funny thing is that their clothing is color-swapped without wearing any jackets. However, Renge is missing for some reason. Yuri thanks her for defeating the Wild Hunts, as they would get erased if they didn’t come in time. Apparently, they don’t even know how they got there.

Yuri finally shows herself and…
There are copies of Ayame and Sanzaka, but have color swapped bows and ties?

Eventually, Nerine, the girl Yuri is looking for, appears out of the group. Renge notices that this is the girl in her vision. They find out that the capsules are copies of their bodies resting. Nerine wonders why Renge and her friends know her.

Nerine, the girl that Yuri is looking for.

We learn more about the visions Renge has. Nerine saved Renge during that time. Apparently, she is very close to Yuri, and she mentioned her name to Renge. She is looking for her and offered Renge to tag along. When Nerine got killed, she faced off the mighty hunt.

Believe it or not, Nerine saved Renge.
Renge decides to follow Nerine until…
Renge takes on Nerine’s weapon after her death.

When Nerine is on the verge of dying, she tells Renge to look for Yuri and say that she loves her. She also handed her the Nerine’s weapon, which eventually merges with Yuri’s. She got a hold of Nerine’s memories. This can explain all the visions of Yuri; it was Nerine’s memory, and it almost overwrote all of Renge’s memories. Apparently, Andvari can leave behind memories and wills.

Hinageshi goes and hacks the system and…
Yuri is now an AI?

After Renge realizes the memories she saw are Nerine, Hinageshi wants to figure out how to wake up those in the capsules. When Hinageshi uses her weapon along with other Andvaris to hack the system. Eventually, a bright light shone, and the room changed. After Hinageshi defeats all the rats, they see a version of a robotic and AI version of Yuri. I find it funny how the AI behind the machine is basically a robotic version of Yuri. I guess an AI version of Yuri will get a bit interesting as it will reveal some clues about defeating the Mighty Hunt. We’ll see soon enough.

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