Man, this holiday break is so enjoyable for me so far. I got to enjoy the relaxing and joyful atmosphere without stressing so much about some stuffs. I prefer locking myself inside my room than going out to visit some places so I managed to marathon a lot of anime and read some manga. Also, my tummy is so happy last Christmas and the day after (my nephew’s birthday). I just wish that I would gain more weights.
Anyway, Fall season is almost already over so we are about to welcome a bunch of new anime for Winter 2015. This season is just an “okay” for me because nothing much stood out from the shows that I managed to watch.
I am looking forward though to this new season because I have seen a bunch of familiar shows that I was wishing to have a sequel. From the looks of the other shows being announced to air this 2015, I have a feeling that 2015 will be a great one for anime *cross fingers*.
Okay, so without further ado, here is my anime menu for Winter 2015.
- Oh man, I waited. I fucking waited for the sequel and here it is now! Just a few more days and I will finally see my beloved Izaya again. Well, not just him but the whole gang! You see, it is one of the shows that I was begging the anime gods to have another season so I am very happy. And not just that, it is a three-cour show. So excited to see the badass-ery that it will offer.
- It really is surprising to know that this shoujo anime… I mean, SHOUJO, will get another season. Sure, the show is really enjoyable but I already lost hope for another season because of my prior experiences with other shoujo anime (special a, maid-sama). Well, it is a great news. We will get to see that bishounen fox spirit again!
- I haven’t watched Death Billiards yet, okay. It is just that when I saw the promotional video for this anime, it really piqued my interest. I am interested to know how “dark” it can get. Also, that white hair dude that looks like Ginko-san (Mushishi) looks so hot.
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
- I read a doujinshi about this one. Then when I saw on facebook that it would get an anime, I already plan to watch it this season. Looking at the synopsis, it looks really interesting so it will be a waste not to give this a try.
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love!
- Do I really have to explain why this show is on this list? I mean, MAGICAL BOYS? PINK HAIR DUDE? MEGANE? AND THEIR FUCKING COSTUME TO BOOT? Man, even if this show turns out to be a real trash I will still stick to this one till the very end.
- I watched the first season and I am a bit interested to know what happens next so, yeah, it is on this list. I really did not like the show that much but I am in love with the character designs. Now that Kaneki’s hair becomes white, maybe I will like this 2nd season more.
Kuroko no Basket 3
- It will be a sin if I will not put this show in this list, especially if I have seen the first two seasons. To be honest, I am already SO spoiled about everything that I am losing interest to KnB altogether. But let us see if Akashi-sama’s appearance can redeem the show for me.
Gonna Give A Taste Test
As for these three, I have no fucking idea as to what they will be about except from their synopsis. And we all know that synopses can be quite deceiving. But their names seems a bit familiar to me, so either I have a read a doujinshi about it, see it on tumblr or stumble upon it on facebook. Either way, I will give them a try.
- This show is quite promising. At first, I was so confused because there are a lot of characters but when I stopped trying to memorize them all, it became easier for me to watch. I really like how I am learning a lot about the anime industry and at the same time enjoying watching them do their “works”. It has a lot of lessons that it tries to convey to the audience and I sometimes find myself tearing up with some scenes. I especially love the main character, Aoi, because I can relate on how lost she feels on what she really wanted to do in life. Oh well, before this could end up to be a review, I better end it here.
- Hmmm, the show is not particularly that good but it manages to keep me as a viewer. I wonder why? Maybe because of Kuga Yuma. Who knows?
Nanatsu No Taizai
- This show is quite boring to be honest. But like World Trigger, I still feel like I could stick to it till the very end. It has its moments, that I could say.
So that’s it. I haven’t included in this list Aldnoah/Zero 2 and Shounen Hollywood because I haven’t watched their first seasons yet. Too bad, I am still not a member of Slaine’s cult. But I plan to watch them before this year-end so hopefully they could still end up on my Winter 2015 Anime dish.
I am really thrilled with this new season. How about you? What are the shows that you are planning to watch this season?
Anyway, Happy Holidays Everyone!