So for the last few months of my life, I have left one job, moved across continents, started a new job, and am about to move once again to a whole new city. What this has meant is I have had no time for anime. The only show I’ve watched from last season was Delicious in Dungeon. My Crunchyroll subscription lapsed for the first time in a decade.
Which is all to say: It finally happened. For the first time in 16 years, Scamp missed a season preview. It’s the 5th already, I don’t think I’m going to write it at this stage. Maybe once I’m settled down I can write again for next season. However, so I don’t leave you all without anything to go off, here’s a super quick preview of what I have my eye on.
My Deer Friend Nokotan
It’s been hard to miss the furor around this one, even with how disconnected I have been recently. They managed to tap into a certain genre of online meme culture, the kind that propelled Nichijou into this eternal gif factory. Why Asobi Asobase didn’t achieve this same status despite being a better anime is beyond me. Neat to see Wit Studio put their entire effort into this dumb comedy. I have more interest in this than their other upcoming anime Suicide Squad Isekai. Although that trailer looked really good too sooooo oh god no don’t do this to me!
The Elusive Samurai
Cloverworks have become a studio I look out for nowadays. They had a bit of a reputation – and definitely not an unearned one – for starting strong and then collapsing, with both Wonder Egg and Promised Neverland S2. However their latest stuff appears to be able to keep up the quality throughout, with Spy X Family and Bocchi the Rock. Haha I bet they totally pay their workers right and don’t overwork them haha haha hahahaha anyway. Manga is by the author of Assassination Classroom, which I admittedly couldn’t get into, but I’m down to try his stuff again with a period piece anime. Trailer looked good, which I’ve come to expect from Cloverworks by this stage.
Mayonaka Punch
PA Works anime original about young adult women doing stuff. As we can see, PA Works are treading very new ground for them hardy har har. It’s about a bunch of girls trying to go viral on YouTube and doing wild shit. Trailer is energetic, well-animated and weirdly short. Honestly the trailer and it being anime original is what has got me, which isn’t much. Director did Ya Boy Kongming, which I know a lot of people like, but it was an anime I really disliked the direction it took in contrast to the manga. On the other hand, the director did do the OP for Akiba Maid War and everyone who touched Akiba Maid War gets one freebie from me for the rest of their lives.
Oshi no Ko Season 2
My token sequel of the season. Oshi no Ko ended up being quite good, having just enough of a weird spin on idols and reincarnation for me to get invested. I have my qualms about it, namely not being super keen on the main character, but it was one of my favourite anime from last year…wait, it was last year, wasn’t it? Time has stopped being real for me.
There’s a few other things. Code Geass has some new thing, but I did cover that in the last season preview. Same with Dead Demon’s Dededededededededestruction. Naoka Yamada has a new movie which I’ll definitely watch, but who knows when I’ll be able to watch it, and that’s not just me talking about my complete lack of free time. There’s also one of the isekai that had a vaguely promising trailer, but I’ll be damned if I’ll be using this modicum of free time to try differentiate one random isekai from another.
…it’s the one Quality Assurance, in case you were wondering.