A Silent Voice
A Silent Voice, also translated as The Shape of Voice, is a film produced by the Kyoto Animation. The story is about a boy named Ishida Shouya, who bullied a deaf girl called Nishimiya Shoko,in grade school and she was forced to transfer school because of it.After that, he was also bullied by his friends and was pushed out of the group.He could not forgive himself for his actions and hated himself for it.Now, Shouya is in high school and has anxiety. He regrets being a bully as a kid and as a redemption, is now learning sign language.
The basic plot is about Shouya’s guilt for bullying Shoko and difficulties faced by Shoko in the world.The characters are amazing and the plot is a perfect reflection of the different types of problems faced by not only teenagers, but also adults. There are many powerful emotions which are beautifully reflected.
The animation is flawless and the music is accurately timed. The entire movie is brilliantly constructed.It is very difficult to find flaws in this masterpiece.
Animation Quality ⇒ 8/10
Plot ⇒ 10/10
Character Development ⇒ 10/10
Overall Story ⇒ 9/10