Otaku for life : The Promised Neverland

The Promised Neverland

           The Promised Neverland is a manga series which got an anime adaption in 2018.The story is about an 11 year old girl, Emma, who lives at an orphanage called The Grace Field House with 37 more brothers and sisters.Their life is happy and fun, with their Mother the caretaker of the orphanage.Emma is among the three oldest kids there with Norman and Ray.

            One day, during the adoption of a girl, Emma and Norman find out that the orphanage is actually a farm created for feeding the demons that reside in the world, and that the children are actually being bred for the soul purpose of being eaten by the demons.With the help of Ray, they decide to figure out a plan to escape the orphanage before anyone else gets killed.

               The plot is thrilling and gets interesting as the story progresses.The characters are fun and each have a very specific way of doing things.The best part is the protagonist.We are used to seeing  male protagonists with an overly enthusiastic and positive attitude ,with blond or ginger-red head.The same personality is embedded in Emma, a friendly and caring person who will do anything for her friends and family.She has a kind heart speech and relies on Norman and Ray for clever strategies. The other characters are also really well constructed.Norman being the smart and clever speaker, and Ray the practical thinker and strategist of their plan. His backstory is also relieved later.

                 The animation and voice acting is good.The sound track is great especially during the heart stopping scenes.Though the anime is only 12 episodes, a new season is expected soon as the manga has progressed way far.



Animation Quality ⇒ 8/10

Plot ⇒ 9/10

Character Development ⇒ 10/10

Overall Story ⇒ 9/10

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