Otaku for life : Violet Evergarden

Violet Evergarden

                 Violet Evergarden is a Japanese light novel which got an anime adaptation in 2018.The story revolves around a young girl,Violet, who was raised as a tool for the army.She was gifted to Gilbert, a military general as a weapon to use on the front line,who taught her to read,write and speak.During the final fight,Gilbert was severely injured and is said to have died.

                Now,the war is over and Violet decides to work as an Auto memory doll, (people who type-write letters for others) and find the meaning of I love you which were the general’s final words to her.

             The anime is a tragic drama,with every episode having a new set of supporting characters.The animation is exceptional with picturesque visuals.The sound track is beautiful and the voice acting is also great.It is said to be rated the second best anime in 2018.The story ended in a great way,as it can be picked up anytime.Also, the series has announced a spin-off movie in late 2019. 

             Violet’s character goes through great development, which is the point of the show.At the beginning,she is struggling to show sympathy towards her clients’ feelings and expressing them in words.She could not understand peoples emotions, especially love.But, by the end, her struggle seemed to have reduced and she became an excellent Auto memory doll.


Animation Quality ⇒ 10/10

Plot ⇒8/10

Character development ⇒ 9/10

Overall story ⇒ 10/10

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