Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season Episode 13 – AngryAnimeBitches Anime Blog

Shadow is feeling a little under so I’ll be doing one more post for her this week!

With two Archbishops (supposedly) down, we move back to the fights we left behind before and get a little taste of them again. I’ll be completely honest, I’m not really a fan when shows do this. I enjoyed when we only focused on the Wrath fight, and then on the Greed fight. I don’t like jumping around the multiple fights too much because I can’t really savor them all, at least we got to have a good few minutes with the Garfiel and Kurgan fight. That said, I do have my gripes with it.

The Gluttony and Lust portions were just alright. Seeing Otto lend a hand with those water dragons was pretty cool though I am curious how he got them and was able to control them. Looks like he and the others are going to hold the fort down while Felt gets her metia, not much more on that front. With Lust vs. Al they’re really pointing out that Al was behind the opening of the water gates and the deaths of the people who know the whereabouts of the remains of the witch. There’s just so much intrigue surrounding Al and I hope we get to have some more focus on him. What the heck has he been doing all this time and his relationship with Priscilla and all that. His reactions and responses to Lust are also pretty fun to watch.

I think the only part of the episode I truly cared about was Garfiel’s battle against Kurgan. Kurgan himself has a really cool design and I like his lore so it’s a shame we only got to see so little of him. Garfiel continued to tackle his trauma and fear with Elsa you can say, and finally was able to overcome to really unleash all he had on Kurgan. It was great to see the two siblings again, and unharmed. And oh my goodness, Garfiel calling them his little brother and sister was SO SWEET! It really touched my heart. I was getting nervous when water started pouring into the shelter. I was thinking time was going to run out for them as it would slowly flood the room up, but Kurgan ended up being really honorable until the end. He closed the hole in the wall and only focused on fighting Garfiel, not even thinking of harming the innocents in the room. And hey, I can respect that. And he clearly showed Garfiel respect as well, even though he started off with only using a single sword against him. It was an exciting fight and I love the detail of Kurgan taking out more swords throughout the bout, showing his respect for Garfiel. Again, sad that the fight was really only six or seven minutes at most but looking at the episode count of the season, it looks like we are running short of time.

I’m not sure if this is a hot take…but while this part was my favorite from the episode it still didn’t do much for me. I can acknowledge that the animation for this part was phenomenal. Lots of action, camera angles, impact and flow, art style and even the accompaniment of the music and all of that was really pleasing. The animators did a great job and I do applaud it. But for me it actually took away from the fight because I have no clue what even happened. It was really hard to keep up exactly with what was happening and how Garfiel even took down Kurgan. I actually had to go back and rewatch it to try and figure it out (the cut on the shoulder?) and I’m still a little stumped. Did it succeed in giving us a fun and crazy spectacle? Absolutely. Did it succeed in clearly showing us what was going on? Personally I did not think so. I think most people won’t care and just awe at the visuals, but I’m annoying and nitpicky about this stuff so it bothered me. It didn’t kill the fight for me completely, but in the end I just thought the fight was just fine. This episode was just fine.

I actually hadn’t noticed how little episodes we have left so I am curious how things will go. Next time will be Wilhelm and his wife. I like Wilhelm a lot and feel for the poor man so I’m expecting it to be an emotional one.

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