Shin and Lu bicker over his abilities and how she’s uncomfortable around him. Shin leaves. Suddenly, four men wearing hazmat suits appear and kidnap Lu thinking she must be Shin based only on the fact that her apron has his name tag. While they drive away in a van, we learn that Shin was the only member of an experiment that gained powers. One of the kidnappers, Tanaka says that he finds Shin to be “creepy” , and believes his life must be “lonely” . Lu hits him with a jump kick. Revealing that they have the wrong person.
Meanwhile, Shin returns to the store only to find broken glass. Taro, Aoi, and Hana return. Taro reveals that he has hidden trackers in the name tags. Together with Taro, Shin ride a motorcycle to reach the van. Shin and Taro takes out most of the henchmen. However, when Shin lands on the roof of the van, he’s blocked by Seba, the labs most recent success story. Seba can turn invisible using his suit. He knocks Shin off the roof and manages to blow up the motorcycle Taro was riding on.
Okutabi Labs
Taro and Shin head to the Labs that are hidden underneath a museum. Seba and Tanaka bring Lu into the Lab. There they encounter a scary figure, Kashima. Tanaka is betrayed by Seba, who tells Kashima that Lu isn’t Shin. Tanaka and Lu are both taken away. Meanwhile, Taro and Shin battle the mechanized bear and dinosaur and enter the lab. The researcher wonder what all the noise was about but a guard threatens them for “slacking off”. The workers are clearly abused and complain. The guard doesn’t care a points a gun at one of the workers.
Lucky, Sakamoto and Shin arrive. They knock out the guard. Shin reintroduces himself and the researchers explain that a group of assassins have taken over the lab. In a flashback, Kashima claims that they’re looking for more “innovative” , assassin tools. Another scientists, Mad Horiguchi, appears. He asks what are they working on since he heard the loud noises too. Shin attacks him. However, Horiguchi injects Shin with an electrode that “scrambles” , brain signals. This causes Shin to speak in reverse.
Sakamoto finally enters the fight and asks Shin if he wants to “save”, this place. They both agree that they want to defeat the assassins and free the researchers. While fighting Horiguchi, Sakamoto gets injected with the electrode switching node and his attacks hit Shin instead of Horiguchi. However, Sakamoto manages to punch him again by attack Shin.
