Sakamoto Days Episode 08 Review: Sakamoto’s vs. the Lab 

Sakamoto Days Episode 08 reveals how Shin got his powers. According to Asakura, “Shin was just a regular little boy in his childhood; rambunctious, stubborn, and energetic”. Then he drank some green contents from a tube and apparently gained his powers. However, the labs couldn’t replicate the effect or cure it with an antidote so it may actually be genetic. Shin left after some disagreement over his abilities. After leaving he becomes an assassin. Lu and Tanaka are brought to tears after hearing this story. Asakura manages to ruin the lock to the cell and Lu takes out the guard.

Sakamoto and Shin’s continue to fight Mad Horiguchi. Shin was injected with a substance that made him speak backwards, while, Sakamoto was inject with a substance that made him attack the opposite person he intended to hit. Horiguchi can alter the effects of the drugs making it even more difficult to counter. The mad scientist injects himself, transforming into a giant. Sakamoto and Shin coordinate together to dominate Horiguchi and defeat him.

Sakamoto and Shin head to the fourth level of the basement, however, they fall through a trap door. Kashima and his followers find Shishiba and Osaragi, who are searching for Slur. Kashima’s men get decapitated. Kashima unravels the stitches in his arm revealing blades, Shishiba hits him with a hammer. His head spins 180 degrees, but Kashima doesn’t die. Suddenly, Sakamoto lands on him. When Kashima hears Sakamoto’s name, Kashima claims that Sakamoto is the only one that has wounded “Slur”. Kashima prepares to kill Sakamoto.

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