Sakamoto Days Episode 09 Review: All Aboard

In Sakamoto Days episode 09, Shin and Heisuke team up against Seba, while Sakamoto faces Kashima. Seba initially finds Heisuke to be weird. Normally, snipers want to be hidden. Not Heisuke though. With his ability to ricochet shots, he doesn’t need to. Seba makes clever use of his invisible suit, using it not just to hid himself but to cloak weapons and parts of his body. He’s able to stab Heisuke several times with this strategy. However, Shin and Heisuke are able to combine their abilities to overcome him.

Elsewhere, Sakamoto has 20 minutes to defeat Kashima before the Lab explodes. Sakamoto says he’ll do it in 5. Kashima claims that 70 percent of his body has been weaponized. Sakamoto claims he “has weapons too”, and reveals a “half-off sticker”, an “advertisement (with coupon)”, and a “sugar-chan mechanical pencil”. When Kashima charges at him, Sakamoto flicks off some mechanical pencil lead at his eye. Then Sakamoto uses the half off sticker to cover Kashima’s other eye blinding him. Sakamoto hits him from behind with a belt.

Sakamoto overwhelms Kashima

Sakamoto notes that an assassin that has “dependence on weapons is a sign of a third rate assassin”. We get a brief glimpse into Kashima’s pass. Slur tells him that there are “people in this world who need to die”. Sakamoto and Kashima fight in the underground subway tunnel. Kashima marvels at Sakamoto’s skills, claiming he’s truly, “the ultimate assassin.” Having lost his weight, Sakamoto is unrecognizable to Kashima. Sakamoto strikes him with a powerful kick. Kashima believes that he’s fighting for justice.

Sakamoto continues to manhandle Kashima, tossing him aside with little effort. With his superior strength, reflexes, and speed Sakamoto defeats Kashima and drags him outside the train station. As Lu, Shin, Heisuke, and the others escape the exploding Lab, in the lowest basement floor, Osaragi and Shishiba see that Kashima was actually working for Slur. Shin encounter Slur in the basement and is paralyzed by his bloodlust. Slur quickly moves between and tells Shin to “gives his best”.

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