Minami dreamed of getting a par in her dream after pairing up with Hina in a doubles golf match against Haruka and Ayaka. Minami wants to give a chance to achieve a par another try, but it seems everyone is busy. In other words, she decides to go golfing by herself.

As expected, Minami dreamed of getting a par, and it’s funny how she uses her Penkichi as a golf ball to make a hole-in-one. She had to apologize to it after it landed in the trash bin. Despite this, Minami believes her luck is improving after winning a rock paper scissors, receiving a good fortune on TV, a popsicle stick, and a floating tea stalk. She feels confident that she can get a par.

However, she finds out that everyone is busy doing other things. Haruka is golfing with her father while Ayaka is busy doing her PR event with Seto Haruka. Hina is, of course, in America preparing for a tournament. Minami seems surprised that middle school students get breaks, too and wishes to go there. Also, Megumi looks busy at the bar, so Minami is alone. After all, the old guys offered to golf with her, but they ended up in the hospital.

In short, Minami decides to do a 9-hole by herself. I find it funny that she reads that people who golf by themselves are super-loving. As expected, golfing solo is a different experience as Minami has to pull the golf clubs by herself. It’s funny how she imagines a future of an AI-powered one that badgers her to keep redoing the stroke. It’s pretty amusing.

Minami came close several times but fell short of getting a double or triple bogey. When she eventually has to wait while someone finishes a whole, the newcomer seems to have the same difficulties Minami faces. Eventually, while messed up the first stroke, Minami managed to get on the green and on the second on a Par 3 course.

Eventually, she manages to chip it in on the third stroke, thus getting her excited. That is until she realized she golfed alone. When Minami returned to the golfing range, Haruka and Ayaka were there. Minami prefers golfing with her friends, although she managed to get the Par when she played alone.
Final Thoughts
While it was a little over two years since the original video animation of three young ladies having fun golfing, it felt short, and hopefully, there will be an entire series. Eventually, it came. Sure, it may not be as exciting, but more of the cute girls going golfing kind of thing. It was nice to see Minami get interested and excited in golf. This show shows that golf is not just about golfing but also about the various aspects of golfing and plays.
Sure, Minami struggles, but at least she gets better. Of course, Ayaka and Haruka have their things that make golf unique, especially golfing with each other. While it’s fun to see Minami, Ayaka, and Haruka golf on various golf courses and even through a simulator, and even Minami pairing up with Hina against Haruka and Ayaka in a doubles golf match. That said, Sorairo Utility is a more laid-back golf story than a competitive one, especially since the girls are not professionals. At the same time, you get to see how much Minami improved from getting a 100 score to eventually getting her first Par is nice. Overall, it’s a fun show that will be missed.
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