Space-Time Detective Genshi-Kun/Flint the Time Detective (Saban) Episode 36 (35 for the Dub) Nascal of the Underworld | Sub/Dub Comparison

Plot: TP Lady, Ammon, Dyna, and Mite have been imprisoned by the masked man for their continued failures in capturing Space-Time Monsters and defeating Genshi. He reveals that he’s been stringing TP Lady along all this time because he thought she had potential, but he realizes now he was wrong.

For the sake of TP Lady’s life and her dignity, Dyna and Mite offer to go retrieve Genshi and only Genshi and bring him to the Underworld – the masked man’s lair – so the masked man can defeat him one-on-one instead of Genshi relying on help from the Space-Time Monsters.

In order to save Ammon and TP Lady, Genshi agrees. However, Love-Love and Putera stowaway on the ship. They literally crash into another new friend, the encouraging Space-Time Monster, Comet. Waiting for them is a maze that is controlled by the masked man and the third of the Elite Four of the Underworld – Nascal.


Title Change: “Nascal of the Underworld” is changed to “The Land of Dread”.

Another mention of the Elite Four is removed.

They repeat shots of the masked man and Deathdas to extend their conversation. Also, the dub never includes the masked man saying he wants to see Genshi’s skills for himself.

Name Plate for Nascal removed.



Nascal’s name is kept the same between versions, but, for some reason, they changed its gender from female in the original to male in the dub.

Nascal just asks what TP Lady and the others are doing there. In the dub, he asks if they’re trying to move up the pecking order……Get it?….Because he’s a chicken….Chickens have beaks…..that they peck with….haha.

They repeat and flip the shot of TP Lady and the others running from Nascal to extend this chase scene. Because of this, they have to flip the shots of TP Lady on the ground giving up, them being put in a cage, and Nascal bragging as well.

The dub adds a Venetian blind transition between when they get caught and when TP Lady talks to the masked man.

They once again replay the close-up shot of the masked man to extend him talking even though they could have just held on that frame given that we can’t see his lips moving anyway.

The Underworld is changed to the Land of Dread.

Dyna calls the masked man a betrayer. He says he hopes his mask shrinks in the dub.

The masked man says he overestimated TP Lady’s potential. In the dub, he says her incompetence disgusts him, as does her face.

The dub has Mite say that he’ll start a website telling everyone how awful the Dark Lord is.

The masked man says he’ll agree to give them one last shot to get all the Space-Time Monsters on one condition. In the dub, he doesn’t say he’ll do it on one condition – he tells Mite to not call him “Buddy.”

They edit out the very short ‘shot’ of Kyoichiro hitting Dyna and Mite so it just looks like Merlock is standing funny and Dino and Mite fell for no reason.

The dub includes a flashback/extension of the scene with Petra and the Dark Lord where she’s saying she deserves to be locked up because they’re bad and begs them to not take it out on Flint because he’s….I don’t know. I cannot, for the life of me, understand what she says after that. I guess this is…a lie to get Flint and the others to agree to help them?

Dyna and Mite originally say that they can only take Genshi – no one else is allowed to come. Putera then says that arrangement seems like a clear trap. In the dub, they omit the part about Genshi going alone.

Because of the commercial break placement in the dub, they add a repeat establishing shot of the lab between Getalong reacting to Flint going and Flint heading off on the ship.

I feel like this MIGHT be a problem with my copy of the episode, but…eh, let’s count it anyway. The dub removes the ship going through the time stream, them spotting a star-shaped Space-Time Monster, and the monster crashing through the windshield. It makes the scene really weird because now this Space-Time Monster literally comes out of nowhere.

They then remove the shots of Putera and Love-Love falling in the time stream for some reason. It’s not like they somehow made it so they didn’t get tossed out. They still did. They just didn’t want to show it I guess.

They insert a shot of Ototan to give him a line for some reason. All he says is “Did you have mastodon for lunch again, son?”

Comet’s name plate is removed.



Name Change: Comet is changed to Orbit……I have no clue.

How did Genshi/Flint know who Comet/Orbit was? Rei didn’t brief them on any Space-Time Monsters before they left, and they met Comet completely on accident in the time stream.

Oh they finally mention the Elite Four, but Saban has opted to call them the Great Four. I guess it is basically the same thing.

When Genshi gets to the start of the maze, he says “We should move forward from here….Alright! Let’s go!” In the dub, he says “Why did the caveman cross the river?” Dino, off-screen, responds “I think I know this one! Is that a trick question?” Then Flint says “To get to the other side!”

That is, quite possibly, the dumbest line change of this entire series. Not only is it a stupid joke, but it doesn’t even make sense. The show is acting as if this is some cool line, but Flint is entering a maze. Even being generous to his meaning, he’s mostly just saying “We have to go through this maze to get to where we need to be.” And being literal to his meaning, he’s saying “Why are we going through this maze? To get to where we need to be!” Which, yes, thank you, Flint. That is the obvious thing happening here.

They quickly repeat some shots of the masked man and the screen just to have him taunt Flint…who can’t even hear him.

TP Lady sobs about never being let out of this cage. Ammon tells her to stop crying. In the dub, Petra asks how she’s supposed to get her beauty sleep locked up in a cage like this, and Bindi tells her she’d have to sleep for a long time.

It might just be my copy because it does jut a bit here, but originally Love-Love suddenly jumps up and reacts to something off-screen. Putera asks what she’s excited about, and we see Love-Love smiling happily at whatever she’s looking at before the commercial break. In the dub, this is cut out.

Oddly, there’s no name plate on Nascal’s bad transformed state. *shrug*

Genshi thanks Comet for the help. In the dub, he says “Now that’s what I call star treatment!”

They add in a shot of Ototan using his Fighting Spirit (He uses it in the original too, but he just says the words. He doesn’t flash his light and grow like he does in the dub.)

Putera asks if Genshi is okay. Since Love-Love can’t talk, she just says her name. In the dub, Pterry asks if Getalong believes they got to them in time, and Getalong says she hopes so…..Clearly you did…..because he’s alive….

Originally, (What I assume to be named) Waruscal asked how Genshi knew where she was. In the dub, he just yells.

The masked man wonders why Space-Time Monsters keep helping Genshi. In the dub, he complains about now being able to find good help.

Name Change: Waru-Comet is changed to Orbit-kon.

Name plate removed.



Flint says he’ll “rubberize” Nascal… I missing something?

Dyna and Mite wonder where the masked man’s voice is coming from and conclude it’s from inside the mecha. In the dub, they ask if they can talk about it over a mocha.

Dyna yells “Genshi! I’m sorry!” as he launches the collar. In the dub, he just says “Eeee, the control collar!” The original is a bit important because it’s showing that Dyna is feeling remorse for attacking Genshi and Unita to save TP Lady.

Putera cheers on Unita while he points out the collar in the dub.

Kyoichiro says he’s a Time Detective too. In the dub, he says he WAS a Time Detective. I guess they did never show him formally getting his job back, but it was very much implied.

TP Lady says Genshi is a formidable opponent that even she has lost to. The masked man then tells her to watch Genshi be defeated. In the dub, she calls him a Phantom of the Opera wannabe, and he responds by saying “Sticks and stones may break YOUR bones, and names only delight me.” Okay, we have a new contender for worst line of the show. What the heck is he babbling about? Does he have an insult fetish?

Genshi yells that he has to turn Comet back. In the dub, he yells that he has to get the collar off Unita.

They edit out the shot of Waru-Comet getting struck in the head.

Nascal yells out as she de-transforms, “Why does this happen!?” In the dub, he yells “Three heads are better than one!”


This episode was probably one of the best of the series. Genshi being (kinda) on his own adds to the tension, plus him facing off against the masked man, whom we haven’t seen much of in regards to his own powers, adds some excitement. I also liked how Genshi didn’t waver at all in saving TP Lady too and how not only did Dyna and Mite team up to help him, but TP Lady told the masked man off and praised Genshi.

Comet is an okay Space-Time Monster. It’s, ultimately, mostly uninteresting because its main power is just to cheer people up in its default form and it just shoots stars (get it?) in its bad form. However, it is cute in its default form and looks pretty tough in its bad form.

Nascal, however, isn’t. She’s an annoying teleporting chicken. That’s it. They didn’t utilize her teleportation powers all that well. She mostly used them to pop in and make annoying comments and really only used them in battle a few times. Her bad transformed state is just a big three-headed chicken who, somehow, doesn’t seem to have much more power than default Nascal. The Wiki says her teleportation power becomes more of a reflex, allowing her to deliver blows more quickly and dodge better, but I didn’t see that often.

The Underworld is a pretty cool location. Seems to mostly be a void-like place where the masked man can control everything with a snap of his fingers.

It is kinda funny and annoying that the masked man keeps asserting that Genshi isn’t a threat without his Space-Time Monsters backing him up when the masked man still works purely from the shadows and typically has Space-Time Monsters doing his dirty work – particularly now.

Next time, we meet the final of the Elite Four – Gera.

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