Stop-Motion Anime Film Junk World Reveals June 13 Premiere – Actualités

Film’s poster visual also revealed

The official website for JUNK WORLD, Takahide Hori‘s sequel film for his 2021 JUNK HEAD stop-motion animated feature film, revealed on Monday the film’s poster visual and June 13 premiere.

Junk Workd stop-motion film poster
Image via JUNK WORLD film’s X/Twitter account

The sequel film is set 1,042 years before the story of the first film JUNK HEAD. The protagonist robot is named Robin, who also appeared in the first film under the name “Parton.”


The sequel film was announced in 2023.

Hori launched a crowdfunding campaign for the film to fund more equipment and staff for efficiency and quality. The first campaign raised 13,663,200 yen (about US$92,558 in current conversion). The second campaign has raised 8,851,400 yen (about US$59,962) as of press time. There is no deadline on the new campaign. The project will proceed using the funds collected regardless of how much it earns.

Hori is in charge of all major duties in the movie, including directing, scriptwriting, character design, editing, music, storyboards, modeling, and voice acting.

Anime Limited released the original JUNK HEAD film, and it describes the story:

In a dystopian future, humanity has attained longevity at the cost of its ability to reproduce. An artificial species was created to counteract the resulting dwindling workforce, until it revolted and formed its own subterranean society. When humanity is ravaged by a virus, a lone human is sent into the depths below to investigate the secrets of how this new species procreates, only to discover the monstrous ways they have evolved…

A new theatrical cut for JUNK HEAD debuted in March 2021. Montreal’s 25th Fantasia International Film Festival screened the new cut in August 2021. This was the new edit’s North American premiere. The film won the Cigogne d’or prize for animated film at the 2021 Strasbourg European Fantastic Film Festival.

The film’s original cut debuted in 2017.

Sources: JUNK WORLD film’s website, Cinema Today (倉本拓弥)

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