Tenka Seiha » Übel Blatt #03 — Sad Teenagers and Delicate Beefcakes » Blog Archive

Übel Blatt #03 — Sad Teenagers and Delicate Beefcakes

January 24th, 2025


…Uh, okay.

Just slow today because I’m profoundly unmotivated.


Well, on the plus side, this episode was stupid enough to go out the other side and actually be sort of impressive. But most of that is to be pinned on the Hard Gay character engaging in every godawful stereotype and joke from ten years ago. Mostly, it reminded me of the times of Muscle Okama from ZKC or Hapxiel from Macademi, and I could bask in the happier times. Why we’re getting some burly dude going on about what a beautiful blushing fairy he is and how he’s got incredible knife-length envy, for almost eight minutes straight, I could not for the life of myself tell you. We’re just all of a sudden doing schtick from ten years ago and bringing the episode from laborious to a screeching halt.

Buuuut since the first half of the episode was a bunch of people very dramatically standing still, while all remarking on how they’re not standing quite still enough, which means that it’s actually impressive and a display of their super duper power level to be barely animated and barely moving, that’s definitely a step up and an improvement on the state of affairs. I’ve entirely lost track of whatever the plot is supposed to be at this point as they introduce more characters and have them sort of do things, but only tangentially related to their goals. There’s a princess who wants revenge, but actually wants to save another princess. The okama dude is somehow related to all of it, but for now is just hanging around. There’s an entire mob at the front gates just to jeer the protagonist. And then there’s some wet lady who’s scared of the moon. Excuse me, the moons. What does all it mean? Hell if I have any clue whatsoever. 

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